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Pregnancy/Breastfeeding Toggle

I've just started using MFP on the advice of our instructor at the gym and am looking to track my food, exercise and nutrients rather than lose weight as I'm currently pregnant. The calorie goals and nutrients don't allow for this but give me an OK baseline to work with. It would be amazing if pregnancy/breastfeeding could be worked into this app's features to improve accuracy.

Thank you.
2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 873 MFP Staff
    I love this idea too! At this time, since pregnancy varies for each woman, we don't currently offer a specific recommendation for adjusting your calories. However, if you obtain a calorie estimate from your doctor or nutritionist, you can easily change your calorie goal to account for the difference.

    Hope this can help for now, but I will definitely pass along this suggestion to our team!
  • girlinbubble
    girlinbubble Posts: 36 Member
    I am also currently pregnant! I would love to see another pregnant persons food diary, and updates for inspiration! I don’t want to get unhealthy or way out of control just because I’m pregnant.