My Mantras

I have two mantras I repeat to myself everyday:
"I will be an example of success." and
"Hunger is my friend."

I have 50lbs to lose. Currently in Day 2.

"I will be an example of success." and
"Hunger is my friend."



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    edited May 16
    Hello, and welcome!

    Sometimes people can find new eating routines that help reduce hunger even with lower calories. Hunger can be your friend, but a distant acquaintanceship or even a breakup might be OK, if you could still lose the 50 pounds, perhaps?

    (I lost 50 pounds at age 59-60. 8 years later, it's still gone. Hunger turned out to be optional, which made me happy, since I'm severely hedonistic. :D )

    Different people find different things filling, either macronutrient mixes, specific food choices, or timing of eating. It's a good thing to experiment with, maybe?

    Common macros to find filling are protein or fats.

    Common food categories to find filling are whole foods (vs. highly processed/refined ones), high-volume foods (like lots of low cal veggies). Common specific foods to find filling, according to research, include cooked potatoes (like baked or boiled potato, say) or oatmeal.

    People here report feeling best on anything from one meal a day (OMAD) to many small snack-sized meals spread through the day.

    It's pretty individual. Experimenting can be useful.

    Wishing you success: For me, the quality of life improvement was more than worth the effort.