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Servings Counter


I would really appreciate a feature that you could toggle on to show how many servings of food groups you had. It would be particularly helpful if I could see some of these over a span of time, such as a week.

Sound weird? I get that. However, I was just diagnosed with MASH Fatty Liver Disease. I'm having to track some odd things now. Like, no more than 4 servings of whole grain a day, red meat no more than 2 times a month, no sweet treats more than 2 times a week.

I could see some of that working for folks who have other medical conditions, such as diabetes as well.

I'm also finding that now that I'm eating whole foods almost exclusively, I don't have to pay much attention to calories anymore, but i DO need to pay very close attention to the servings of each food group. This kind of tracking may also help those who are working to eat more healthily, but don't have a good relationship with tracking calories.

Thanks for all you do!

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