Why am I not losing any abdominal fat?

My biggest problem area is my stomach. Does anyone have any tips for this? Stress is not something I can decrease right now…at least not until September when I’m finally finished with grad school.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,148 Member
    There's limited and somewhat questionable evidence that strength training favors central fat loss in some subgroups, in my understanding. It may not help at all with that, but the worst that can happen is getting stronger - useful in itself, I think?

    There are various posture issues, some quite common these days, that can make central fat appear more prominent. If that's true for you, improving posture could help with appearance.

    Some examples
    * Anterior pelvic tilt, top of pelvic bones tipped forward of lower portion, so booty sticks out more, and central tissue (fat, maybe even internal organ weight) pushes forward out of the body cavity and droops down.
    * Habit of locking knees, similar effect to anterior pelvic tilt
    * Kyphotic posture (not same as the permanent skeletal condition kyphosis). This is a tendency to rounded-forward shoulders, chin pushed forward. This tends to squish central body tissues between the lower rib cage and upper pelvis, so pushing it outward and letting it droop downward. Sometimes this is called "nerd neck" because a common cause is hunching over phones/keyboards.

    There are exercises for any of these, and lots of information on the web about how to recognize them in yourself.

    Spot reduction isn't possible. If you lose body fat, it will come off your body in an order that your personal genetics have programmed. For many of us, the last of the abdominal fat is often the last to go.