Getting it together

Happy to be aboard MFP. I am a long-time T2 diabetic (extensive family history) and have been on different medications a couple different time. The first time I gained 30 lbs in a year and stopped taking my meds and the 30 lbs came back off. Am taking different meds now and the 30 lbs are back on but I know better than to just drop my meds. However, my goal is to get off the meds because I no longer need them and that means losing quite a bit of weight. I am 5'1" and my "base weight" that I was at for years before medication was 162. I am now at 191 as I said for the second time with medications. At 162 I am still way over weight for my frame, but I could never lose more than that. I have a couple times years and years ago been as high as 225 but those days are long gone (I hope.) It seems like no matter how much or how little I eat, the weight still comes on. If I eat til I'm not hungry, I have already eaten too much. My plan is protein powder in the a.m. with 1/4 c milk and 3/4 water as well as an energy health bar thing. Lunch (which I eat all day rather than all at once) is a 180 cal weight loss shake as well as other things like cottage cheese and fruit that will have me up to 600-650 calories by dinner time. Then I want to eat a sensible dinner and a very light snack before bed (like sugar free pudding or something like that.) I am 44 years old and might still have another 44 years left to live and I can't imagine it in the way I am continuously going with the weight gain. I don't take rapid acting insulin but do take lantus overnight and I think that's my med helping me gain weight. My sister, who also takes insulin, was told by her doctor she will gain weight and there's nothing she can do about it. I don't want that to be me. Time to get with the program and fly right. Plus my insurance coverage isn't so good for prescriptions so I have trouble affording the $90 copays!