Gonna attempt early morning workouts...



  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I started 2 weeks ago and I love it, it was rough at first but now I look forward to it, it also gives me more energy throughout the day.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    I wake up between 4-4:30 to go workout from 5-6. I'm not going to lie and say it's easy. It is tough, and there are days when I'd rather hit the snooze button. But the thing that helps me is once the alarm goes off, I'm out of bed. No hitting that snooze button or I'll be able to rationalize my way out of getting up to workout.

    Setting up my clothes, gym bag, water bottle the night before and having everything ready to go really helps.
  • hello_momo
    hello_momo Posts: 13 Member
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member

    The first day I walked into the gym at 6am, I was so surprised at how many people were in there. I was like "wow, people really do this." I walk to the gym and people were outside running, walking dogs, etc. all at 5:50am. It was like a whole other world I was missing while I was sleeping. :)

    Plus it's the best feeling in the afternoon knowing I can just go home and relax and cook dinner with a glass of wine rather than have to go to the gym.

    I'm reading this thread thinking the same thing. Like wow seriously, some people get up as early as 4am?
    I've gotten very used to a pretty late schedule. I usually work about 10-7, and don't have kids to wake me up. Left to my own devices, if I have nothing to get up early for, I am such a night owl I'll easily stay up till 3. And then I wake up feeling sinusy, and creaky and anything but energetic. I'm trying to shift my schedule to something more normal but oh boy this night owl thing seems hard wired. I'll fight with myself ..hey self..come on, you don't even have to be there til 10, all these crazy people are getting up at 4..surely you can manage to get up at EIGHT and go work out in the basement. Come on. I've even recorded messages for myself on my phone to convince my future self it really really needs to get UP and DO it. Success has been mixed, but when I do do it it feels pretty good, and if I don't make it early I mostly do it on lunch instead. Its not like I'm sleeping a billion hours, just everything is shifted so late.

    I had to get up super early for a work thing a bit ago and I'm on my way there looking around going wow..there are people JOGGING out here already. People do this. Wow.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    My advice is to plan out what you are going to do ahead of time - from your clothes, to your travel plans, to your workout. (It sounds like you are doing most of this). It really helps limit the excuses and helps make your morning time more efficient.