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Premium Family Plan

Greetings!! How about creating a Premium Family Plan? Sometimes, we're not on a diet alone at home...
7 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 873 MFP Staff
    I can definitely understand how this would be a pain point. I've passed along your suggestion to the appropriate team to consider for a future update. Thanks!
  • jasonjodimoodie
    jasonjodimoodie Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah this is frustrating for sure, my wife and I making meals having to enter it into two different accounts. Even if you could just share the meals especially in create recipe, that would be hugely helpful.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,885 Member
    Yeah this is frustrating for sure, my wife and I making meals having to enter it into two different accounts. Even if you could just share the meals especially in create recipe, that would be hugely helpful.

    You can copy meals from one account to another, provided that you have access to each others diary.
  • trampolinehorror
    trampolinehorror Posts: 1 Member
    I really think this should be an option. A lot of services are doing this nowadays and provision six users with the subscription which helps with network effects and adoption. I use premium and my wife does a lot of cooking and used to set things up for sharing, but she stopped after the barcode reader went away so it's more hassle for everyone and I'm considering not bothering to renew next cycle. It's these sorts of micro network effects more than price hikes that are annoying. This annoys me daily whereas and annual subscription annoys me once a year so by the time renewal arrives I'll be budgeting a years worth of annoyance.