Any tips for a beginner with a history of Back Pain?

I workout during my lunch and after work between cardio & weightlifting. I have yet to do more squats or any motion where I'm bending. I feel i have less spasms being more active and losing weight while gaining lean mass. However I'm not sure how to introduce my upper body as in back into weights. Like should i get a belt and where do i start, is it based on what i carry or my width ?


  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,603 Member
    With the caveat of not knowing the specifics of the pain, some general advice:

    - Regular core focus.

    Hypers, reverse hypers, and for the abs hanging knee raises with ab flexion or cable crunches (not sit-ups). Or start with planks.

    - For back, start with chest supported row. At home with db's, you can do these on an incline bench. The gym probably has a machine or T-bar row for this. You can probably do lat pulldowns and pullups too, and db pullovers while laying flat on bench. If you want to incorporate hinge movements like deadlift, RDL, or also the barbell row, then get a belt, focus on engaging your core, and START LIGHT, nail the form and progress slowly. Any sharp pain, stop immediately.
  • miroz907
    miroz907 Posts: 1 Member
    I had lower back problems, so much so that I had trouble walking for more than 10 minutes without sitting down.
    I learned (from doctors) that I have to strengthen the core and upper legs to help the spine.
    For the core: bird-dog and planks. For the legs: lunges and chair squats (the chair should be high enough so you never bend the knee over 90°, start with very high). Build your workout from that.
    The most important thing is that whatever you are doing, your back must always have support, never be in the lever position. Your core must always be engaged.