Let's do this :)

ladypipp Posts: 1 Member
Just turned 55, and they don't lie when they say the "wheels start to fall off when you get to 50"! Post menopause, and that has a lot to answer for. Coupled with Hashimotos. But, Life is good and time to turn things around and get back to being me :)


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,837 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    I joined at 59 to lose weight (it worked ;) ), now 68 and maintaining a healthy weight since initial loss. I'm also severely hypothyroid, but not Hashi's, and I am properly medicated for it. At 59, I'd been in menopause for around 14ish years (put there early by chemotherapy).

    There's a good thread here about hypothyroidism and weight management, written by a (former?) MFP-er who's a scientist in the field, himself hypothyroid (surgically removed, if I recall), who lost weight by calorie counting. There's so much pure mythology on the web about hypothyroidism and body weight, I was really glad to get that expert perspective. It's here:


    Wishing you success: The results are worth the effort!