Introducing Myself

I am starting community chat by introducing myself. I decided to do this Fitness and Fitbit. I want to lose 55 to 65 pounds. This worked for my son so I thought I would try it. Right now I weigh 189 pounds. I definitely need to get this weight off. The last two days I have started walk/run. I actually feel good afterwards until I eat.


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,892 Member
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,918 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    FWIW, I started here about your current weight (183 in my case), at age 59. MFP was a big help to me in losing around 50 pounds, and I've been maintaining a healthy weight for around 8 years since loss.

    The MFP method may not suit everyone's personality, but it definitely can work, as it has for your son.

    So, I'm wondering what you mean when you say you feel good after you run, until you eat? Is there some kind of digestive unpleasantness happening that you attribute to the food, or to the food within X time of having exercised, or something like that?

    Wishing you success!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    Heat, maybe? It’s been getting to me, and I usually run on “cold all the time”.

    Welcome to MFP.

    Like Ann, I’m an older female and lost a lot of weight via MFP. It’s totally possible if you commit to the logging, weighing foods, and exercise- though not necessary- will improve your health and give you more calories to eat. Win/Win!

    Totally random question, but by any chance did you start taking a multivitamin as part of your new commitment to health? If I take one on an empty stomach or wait more than twenty minutes after eating, I get barking nauseous. Just a thought FWIW. If you added one before or after your run. 🤷🏻‍♀️