6 week mark

I've been doing 5 days a week and now that I'm hitting week six I feel like I'm not bulking and seeing results as fast as I want. But trying to stick to it but I don't know if I'm doing things right. 3200 cals 200g protein. I don't eat the cleanest but I have such a hard time keeping weight on that I'm trying to put as much as possible. I'm also on week 6 of mk677 and ostarine.i spend about an hour in the gym each time then 15 mins in sauna after. Honestly just want like minded ppl to get tips from.


  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Gains are measured in months and years, not a few weeks. It takes consistency.

    Are you a new lifter? Are you focusing on compound lifts and making progressive overload? Are you already lean? If you're new, five days a week lifting is quite a lot. I assume you're in a calorie surplus but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Are you gaining weight? Because if you're lean and not gaining weight, then yeah you're not going to see any bulking.

    200g protein is surely plenty. 0.7g per pound is a good target. No harm in going a bit higher.

    I see you're on PED's. You do you, but if that's what you're doing from day one imo that's a huge mistake. People who have done that in their bodybuilding careers will say give it a few years being natural before deciding whether to go that route, because once you start, it's hard or sometimes impossible to stop.