Delete From Recently Used Exercises List

Concerning deleting "recently used exercises" entries under "aerobic" ... many entries show different calories than what is contained in "my exercises" list. I'd like to clean up the "recently used exercises" list or clear it out all together. But .. not "delete" button at bottom .. this would be nice. Can one be added?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    edited June 16
    If you'd like a new feature, the best place to post the suggestion is here:

    The MFP staff don't read every post everywhere in the Community. There are so many; they just wouldn't have time.

    The do read posts in the area I linked above, and will sometimes respond there, too.

    Here, you're just talking to other MFP users like me. We have no more power or influence over the software than you have yourself, unfortunately.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    You can delete exercises from your "My Exercises" list. There's a note on the page that looks like this:

    You can also edit the calorie burn from a "Recent Exercise" before you add it. Just edit the "calorie" box.
