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More "Nutrients tracked"

Two suggestions..
1. Can you add "Net Carbs" to the list of nutrients tracked. Take Avocados for example, around 12g of carbs per pear, but only 2.5g are useable, the rest are fibre. For someone looking for a low carb diet I was keeping away from Avocados as I thought they were "high" carb. Turms out they aren't as most of that number is fibre, which isn't digested, so doesn't add to my daily carb intake.
2. Can the food diary allow more nutrient columns, at the moment it is just 5 that can be customised, 10 would be better to get a clearer overview of each food.
1 votes

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  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,961 Member
    For the 1st suggestion: net carbs exist and are a premium option - only available in the app and only for the US and Canada, in many other countries, standard food labels are already 'net carb'.
  • Wurlitzer1015
    Wurlitzer1015 Posts: 7 Member
    OK, I'm a premium member but I'm not in either US or Canada, is that why I don't see it. Just FYI, in my country very few food labels have net carbs. It would be good if I could see it in the app, where they are. Any plans to roll out this feature to Premium customers in countries other than the US & Canada, or don't we matter :)