New and Ready to Lose Weight

Hello. My name is Miranda and I just joined today. Motivation and inspiration is not often easy for me but seeing these posts gives me hope and determination. Nice to meet you all and let’s do this together!

My June goals starting today:
1. Log what I eat
2. Keep doing my aqua fitness classes 2x a week
3. Have veggie snacks 2x a week at least

Height: 5’5”
SW: 280
CW: 280

1st GW: 245
2nd GW: 210
UGW: 180-190


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    I like those goals: I'm a big believer in what I'd call "process goals", the things that we DO that will take us to our desired long-run results. We don't control exactly when those long-run results will arrive, but we do completely control the steps we will take to get there. Your June goals are absolutely in that vein. I also like that you have some intermediate results in mind as milestones along the way. Good stuff!

    Coincidentally, you and I are the same height at 5'5", just at a different stage of the process. (I'm in long-term maintenance after losing from class 1 obese to a healthy weight around 8 years ago.)

    I'm cheering for you to succeed: IME, the quality of life improvement is worth the effort!
  • mimiranda27
    mimiranda27 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you, Ann! You’ve definitely inspired me in that it can be done. Congratulations on your weight journey and it sounds like you are doing great!