Head aches

Hey does anyone else get head aches? I almost wake with one every morning. This is a big pain in the butt... and head. I find this very annoying because the morning is when I like to get up and work out. But a lot of morning I reset my alarm so I can just get to school and be mentally present . Any advice on how to wake up feeling no pain in my head? I already go to bed early, 10pm early. I drink water, eat when hungry and everything else I can think that might be the problem. I I just want to be able to get up and workout... IS that too much to ask for???


  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    drink MORE water :)

    Or go see a dr.
  • abungay
    abungay Posts: 85 Member
    I drink more than the 8 cups a day. And the doctors can't find a reason for my head aches. Just had MRI number 5 last week.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My son used to get migraines until we cut gluten out of his diet. You might consider whether it's a food or environmental allergy. Allergy symptoms or food intolerances can vary from person to person. He feels so much better now that he's happy to be gluten free just to avoid the headaches and he's only 13 so you know he has to feel much better!
  • MeenaKeepRunning
    Hey, sorry to hear about the headaches, they can be really debilitating.
    My sister used to get awful migranes and went to many doctors for them- in the end it turned out that she was cleching her jaw and grinding her teeth all the time and it was somehow causing these awful tension headaches. She got a mouthpiece to stop the grinding and they went away very soon after.
    That's not to say that's necassarily what's causing yours, more to illustrate that the causes of headaches can be a huge number of things. Sometimes its caused by a change in eye perscription or poor hydration- but I'm guessing if you're having MRI scans you've already addressed a lot of these common issues. Personally, stress always brings on headaches for me- so maybe you want to moniter your stress (sometimes we don't even realise when we're really stressed out because we're so busy functioning). I've also recently been doing a lot of research into sugar- and as a result of what I've found out, slowly cutting it from my diet. Because our bodies basically have no real need for most of the sugar that's in our modern diet, often people get all kinds of horrible side effects in terms of energy drops and headaches- often experienced when you wake up in the morning. For some strange reason, I don't hear doctors really saying much about this a lot of the time. Anyway- it may be worth checking the sugar in your diet.
    Other than that I'm not sure- I do really hope you figure out what's causing them though, because headaches suck- and headaches+waking up early suck so much more. All the best luck xx
  • tlcampos
    tlcampos Posts: 31 Member
    seems like i rarely go threw a week without getting a headache daily...i have been diagnosed withTMJj which a lot of times when i wake up with a headache its because i've been grinding my teeth at night. i'm one who hates to suffer so if a pill can help me i usually take something.