Depo Shot making me feel hungry! Help!

Hello ladies. I have been on the depo shot since March, with great results. I have even lost weight (and gained too, but I don't attribute that to the shot, just my poor eating habits) while on it. On Friday, I got my most recent shot. All week this week I have been feeling absolutely famished. ALL. THE. TIME. I haven't had this problem with my other shots. I'm wondering if it will get better as time goes on? Right now, I'm miserable with this. I have been doing well up until the shot and this is seriously making me doubt whether or not I can do it.

What should I do? Eat more snacks? Up some sort of nutrient? I am a vegetarian if that makes a difference.

I just don't know what to do. I feel so lost right now because I'm freaking starving. I mean, I will eat a normal sized meal and be hungry in about 20 minutes. I'm drinking plenty of fluids. Any input would be appreciated.



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It may not necessarily be the depo shot, possibly just a coincidence.

    If you are starving, eat a little extra. Eating even at maintainence isn't goin to hurt you for a week or two. Many people do it as part of a weight loss plan.

    Just a friendly note - we aren't supposed to post the same topic in different sections.
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks, for replying. I didn't know we weren't supposed to post in different sections. I'll make sure to not do that in the future.
  • MsWallwoman

    i will be honest, I had the same thing around the time of my shots. Depo messed me up. The hormones were hard on me as we'll as the horrible side effects that come with prolonged use of Depo. (Whatever you do, don't stay on it for too long, I did, 15yrs, and I regret it).

    Anyway, i have recently switched to a copper iud and I couldn't be happier. Its all natural and is making a giant difference in my life. No hormones, no mood swings, no food cravings and hunger like I had on depo, no breakouts, no bad TOM symptoms. Lol. It is a rather uneventful time which is GREAT. I feel, act, react, and feel "normal" and balanced.

    I recommend talking to your doctor about how you are feeling and seeing if Depo is indeed the best option or, if there is something better. ;)

    Good luck! I hope you are able to figure everything out and that you get everything you want. :flowerforyou:
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks, I'm only planning on having it for about a year, 2 tops. My body has to have the hormones (right now, because of my weight creates complications with my period yada yada). I know how bad it can be, my mom was on it for about 16 years. It just sucks because I just got the new shot, so I'm not even due for another one until November, and I doubt my doc can do anything until then. I am highly considering Mirena though, but I'm worried about it moving or having problems with placement, as I've heard others can have. Does paraguard have that issue? If I didn't have to have the hormones, I would really like the copper one.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    If the worst thing Depo is doing to you is making you hungry then count yourself lucky. It made me bat *kitten* crazy.

    I know a few girls who have Mirena and haven't had any issues.
  • marieskee
    marieskee Posts: 120 Member
    Ugh! I remember my depo days like they were yesterday. I remember my body craving food 24/7. I ate and ate and ate.... Big mistake on my end, after 80 pounds in 4 months (no lie) I knew depo wasn't for me. My advice is drink plenty of water and eat more fruits and veggies in between meals.
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    What should I do? Eat more snacks? Up some sort of nutrient? I am a vegetarian if that makes a difference.

    Try eating food with more protein/fiber/good fats. For me, at least, they help me stay full longer and avoid getting cravings for snacks.

    Veggie options that I like are Chobani greek yogurt (many kinds 100-140 calories), low-fat cheese sticks (40-50 calories based on brand), almond butter (2T [190cal] + 1/4c oatmeal [75cal] + dash cinnamon), avocado (on anything!! sandwich, salad, etc), hummus w/veggies (cucumbers or grape tomatoes)... do NOT be afraid of good fats. They are very good for your heart and your body needs them.

    If you are going to snack (because it will happen at some point - around the time of your shot or not), just try to have healthy options around and ready (think fruit/veggies already cut up - just clean them all at once).
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    I just got my depo shot on wednesday. I've been on it for a year and it seems like the week before/after is when I am unbearably hungry. You just have to eat like you normally do and ignore the intense cravings. It sucks, but I stay on it because I love not having a period at all.
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    Oh wow, I've been on it two years and have never had this side effect. Must be lucky. Sometimes things don't work for everyone, maybe look in to asking your doctor for something else?
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I felt starving on depo the whole year and a half that I was on it. Which is why I'm on MFP now. :tongue:
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    If the worst thing Depo is doing to you is making you hungry then count yourself lucky. It made me bat *kitten* crazy.

    The most psychotic I have ever felt was while on depo. Didn't even realize it til I was off of it.
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I suffered from depression and contemplated suicide when i was on it and put on weight. Stopped taking it and replaced with another sort of pill. Sorry cant remember which one. But definitely didnt work for me.
    Good luck.
  • Lumen1505
    Lumen1505 Posts: 77 Member
    My sister gained 3 stone while on her first implant, as she was so hungry all the time - I can sympathise as well having recently changed from microgynon pill while made me either really sick or really hungry - I tried 7 weeks and gained 7lbs! Dr said it was the oestrogen and I am now on Loestrin which has a really low oestrogen content = hunger/sickness gone!

    Usually they say it evens off after a couple of months or so but f it doesn't I'd go back to the dr. you could try bulking up on fruit/veg etc x
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks, all. I'm not really sure I want to quit it just yet, as this is my third shot and the first time I'm experiencing this side effect. I'm not 100% sure if it's the shot, or just a coincidence.
  • deselmsh
    after 3 years on depo (and gaining forty pounds with no other changes to my daily routine) I decided to give it a break and see if that was really what was going on. I lost almost thirty pounds over six months without having too hard of a time using this app. then I starting thinking it was my new approach and not the shot so I went and started the shot again. with in two days the workout I had been doing and feeling great about felt like torture and left me tired, sweaty and feeling defeated. I actually felt like I was trying to run in water after the shot not sure how it had that affect. I have now gained back about a third of the weight I had lost and my motivation is out the window. I feel so tired, heavy, and slow (more than I did before I lost a pound) not sure if there are other factors but the shot seems to be key in slowing me down. I feel so hungry all the time... I even wake up in the middle of the night with my stomach in knots and it is so hard to just go back to sleep and stay good I have even tried eating protein heavy foods to stay satisfied longer but what I crave are sweets and carbs... the kind that have no merit other than tasting yummy. I am still trying to stay in my calorie range but the treadmill still hates me because I walk past it to go to the kitchen and cant convince myself to use it when I feel so tired.