Ladies: Depo Shot help!

Hello ladies. I have been on the depo shot since March, with great results. I have even lost weight (and gained too, but I don't attribute that to the shot, just my poor eating habits) while on it. On Friday, I got my most recent shot. All week this week I have been feeling absolutely famished. ALL. THE. TIME. I haven't had this problem with my other shots. I'm wondering if it will get better as time goes on? Right now, I'm miserable with this. I have been doing well up until the shot and this is seriously making me doubt whether or not I can do it.

What should I do? Eat more snacks? Up some sort of nutrient? I am a vegetarian if that makes a difference.

I just don't know what to do. I feel so lost right now because I'm freaking starving. I mean, I will eat a normal sized meal and be hungry in about 20 minutes. I'm drinking plenty of fluids. Any input would be appreciated.



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Why did you post this three times?
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    I posted in 3 different forums because I was unsure of where it would best be placed.
  • MystiGrrl_2791
    I don't have a solution for you but the shot makes me feel that way too, so you're not alone. I got my first & only shot on June 20th; since then I have been gaining & losing the same 5 lbs over & over with no changes in my diet. I'm due for my second shot September 12th. I think I'll pass, as the weight was not the only issues I was having. Feel free to contact me if you want :)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I can't say for sure, but this was what I attributed to never losing any weight while on the depo for 3 years. I was exercising my tail off and trying my best to eat within reason, but I was always so hungry. It messed up my system big time, and my doctor told me it could take 18 mos before it was fully out of my system. I won't use it again. :/
  • ItsJenney
    I've been on Depo for 16 years on and off, mostly on. I love it and have never had a minutes problem with it, but most of the people I know who are close to me (cousins, sister, friends, daughter) who have taken it have had some pretty weird stuff going on, such as huge weight gain, depression, bleeding, all sorts of stuff. This is definitely one of those things that is not for everyone. It either really is or it really isn't. If it is giving you problems, I would definitely try something different.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Having read all of that I will add that I have been on depo for about 20 years and have recently lost a lot of weight. I was overweight and had back pain when I started depo and I never blamed it for those 2 things staying with me.

    Not saying it isn't your cause, but it does seem to be readily blamed by some, so I thought I'd add my perspective. Depo made an enormous positive change to my life. My back pain is explained by a congenital defect and my overweight by laziness and overeating. If depo added to it I doubt it was an enormous factor.
  • LivvieO
    LivvieO Posts: 164 Member
    I have been on the shots since 1999, while I have no solutions for you I would recomment speaking to your doctor and getting his/her opinion on what possible nutirent deficit it may cause. Whenever I go get the shot, my doctor reminds me to increase my calcium intake because the shot could potentially lead to bone density loss. It does throw your body "off" a little the first few months on it but honestly I've had no major issues with it. My 30lb weight gain was mainly due to my bad eating habits and working rotating shift on a 24hr schedule.
  • jenhoward777
    jenhoward777 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been on it for 10 years and I love it. I've was tempted to blame some weight gain on it but that was my own fault. I've since lost 40lbs so it's not the depo's fault. However like other people are saying I've known some people with problems with it too. I knew one girl that couldn't stop bleeding while she was on it. Check with your doctor is the best bet.