Trying again

I’ve gained 40 pounds in the past few years. Menopause, stress, financially worry, change of jobs, children issues,… I need to change my habits, stop drinking those 2 glasses of red each evening, eat healthy, and start moving. Feeling defeated and lost. Looking also into Trim Healthy Mama and going to try that.

Feeling tired and hopeless in NC


  • Rxman1971
    Rxman1971 Posts: 362 Member
    Never to late to get going u got this
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,939 Member

    Small changes add up over time. Instead of dropping the red wine completely, stick to a single glass instead of two; "eat healthy" is too much and too vague, but adding a piece of fruit with every breakfast and lunch (and a veggie with dinner) is a great place to start. Try one step towards a better you, focus on sticking to it for a few weeks, add another step while continuing the one you've already been doing. You got this!
  • sbradychamberlain
    sbradychamberlain Posts: 8 Member
    I have been going through the same thing, although I never was a wine drinker. I do like my Cosmo at night though! lol Send a friend request if you like, I have just started back on my diet this week, and I could use all the support I can get!
  • hmosser
    hmosser Posts: 61 Member
    Hey there! I can relate. I’m just getting started once again trying to lose the same 60 lbs that I’ve gained and lost multiple times in my adult life! Good luck, and if you want another friend / accountability partner, you can add me as a friend.