Right track or not?

Okay so I figured my bmr at 1921, 47 male 198 lbs 5'7". So I multiply that by 1.55 because I go to the gym 5 days a week, walk 10,000 steps and consume 2230 calories a day......My question is am I on the right path to lose weight, burn body fat and build muscle???


  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,931 Member
    The standard Miffin St Jeor has your BMR estimate at 1,732. Assuming "moderately active" gets you an estimated TDEE of 2,684.

    If you end up being in a deficit that gets you about one pound per week lost (compared to a much faster loss), and you're a relatively new lifter, and you're lifting hard with progressive overload and enough volume, and you're getting at least 140g protein, then maybe you can build some muscle while you lose weight, but don't have too high expectations there.

    You'll know in a few weeks what your deficit is if you track your calories in diligently and your weight. Ignoring week one due to water weight lost.

  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,290 Member
    In a month you’ll know if your weekly calorie amount is producing the results you’re after.