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Women 200lb+, Let's Give It A Try This July!!!



  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member
    quolwy wrote: Β»

    What is your secret?

    I used to use half n half in my coffee with a bunch of sugar. Now I measure out everything. I use 2% low fat milk (1/2 cup) and 1-1/2 teaspoons of sugar. I should probably switch to a non-caloric sweetener, but I haven't found one I like.

    Coffee in the morning is a must!

    I used to go crazy, free pour coffee creamer until my heart told me it was enough (probably 100ml) and top it up with coffee.

    Now I use my food scale to measure and basically use 30ml of International Delight French Vanilla coffee creamer, and 30ml of high protein milk (18g/cup) and then my favourite mug is a bit big so probably 1.5 cups of coffee to top it off! I've only recently found this milk, and it's honestly a total game changer. I get 2% but there's also 3.25% if you're used to a creamier coffee, and it's sold in Walmart so if you have one nearby you could check to see if yours stocks it too!

    Its nothing crazy, but 90 calories and 5g of protein for a lovely warm cup in the morning is better than the alternative :)

    Sounds great! I try to use filtered milk whenever possible (it's not easy to find in my neighborhood).

    Makes a difference.

    I'm going to look for that creamer and give it a try.
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 70 Member
    I walked 6 miles yesterday. I would like to do that again a couple times over the weekend. tonight is bike riding and weights. I dont plan on weighing in until next week. I knew yesterday was going to be a big cheat day for me, but it was planned out. I am starting to feel better in general. Even though I do not have a cylce anymore i feel like I am PMSing this week. Extra hungry, and moody.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    71 years old
    Challenge July Starting Weight: 260
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall

    I do check-ins when I lose:
    7/1: 260
    7/5: 257.5

    A is my husband. N is my living at home adult youngest child

    July Goals:
    β€’ July GW: get securely in the 250s – I got into the 250s now I need to stay there and make progress
    β€’ Keep my water intake up – need to up this
    β€’ Keep getting 7+ hours of sleep - yes
    β€’ Meal plan and cook 3+ dinners (my husband and youngest will cook some dinners too) - meal plan not yet, cooking at home much better
    β€’ Eat healthy breakfasts (only 1 day a week at a cafΓ© with Latte etc.) – this is mixed. I have been not picking up lattes and pastry on the way to work but on our way back from a walk earlier this week we stopped by a bakery so only a few healthier breakfast this week as opposed to the goal of a majority. However no lattes this past week.
    β€’ Work up to 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week – 1 day of aquafit, 1 day of weight training, 4 days of walking increasing lengths of time) – I have been doing near 30 minutes every other day right now. I am working to upping my time.
    β€’ Up NEAT (non exercise activity) daily such as cooking and cleaning etc. – I am making some progress here

    Still need to meal plan. Now it is a new week ahead since we are having leftovers tonight. This being my 1st week of retirement I am still getting settled into a new lifestyle. So this is a transition period. I do not expect to be meeting all the above goals immediately but making progress towards all of them. So going from hardly any exercise to every other day is a win. I am not quite up to 30 minutes but somedays I can do it. The Last time I realized my COVID vaccine was kicking in and it knocks me out on the 2nd afternoon. I realized when I was struggling making it to 25 minutes that was the problem. We plan to go for a walk today so hoping I have more energy now.

    I made a reaction when I got on the scale this morning and N asked is that a happy noise or not. I said happy. I got down to this weight in May but didn’t stay there. I am hoping to continue to make progress. Anyway not bad to see a weight loss on the day after the 4th of July.

    Top priorities today:
    β€’ Meal plan for the week
    β€’ Go for a walk with N since I didn’t get exercise yesterday
    β€’ Up my water intake
    Top priorities for the week:
    β€’ Add in exercise sessions probably related to bone strength.

    As to the coffee issue in discussion. I used to think I didn't have the problem of drinking my calories I drink my coffee black. We make very good coffee at home. But then I realized that I got a Latte on the way to work with a pastry. Well this was reduced when I worked more remote days but we had what we called Friday breakfast which was basically a trip to Starbucks. My last job was 2 days in the office. Now I plan to let myself go to a cafe for a latte and pastry 1 day a week and no Friday Breakfast on top of that. I do not have to go but I can go. So although I drink my coffee black I tend to want something sweet with it. Now I have a healthy breakfast with it at home. My problem was stopping for lattes 2-3 times a week. I plan to cut that to 1 time a week. It isn't so much what I put in my coffee but what I eat with it.
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there, just checking in with a few updates!

    Starting weight: 219 lbs (6/10/24)
    Ending weight: 214.2 lbs (June 30th)
    Total loss: -4.8lbs (in 20 days)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for July: βœ”
    - Work 4 days/week βœ”
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week
    - Log meals daily and accurately βœ”
    - Gym 3x/week βœ”
    - Drink more water and less sugar βœ”
    - Treat myself once/week with a self date
    - Weigh in an 205lbs at the end of the month (-8lbs loss)

    1st: 213 lbs
    2nd: 212.8 lbs
    3rd: 211.6 lbs
    4th: 212 lbs
    5th: 213.2 lbs
    6th: 212.4 lbs
    7th: 212.4 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - Made it to the gym Thursday even though I wasn't feeling motivated to, and ended up having my favourite workout so far!
    - Had ice cream for dessert Thursday, because I hadn't had any dessert since Sunday and I'm trying to be mindful about moderation, so even though it put me "above calories" for the day I made sure to let myself enjoy it guilt-free!
    - Was able to do knee pushups today at the gym! I havent been able to do that is 4+ years, so this is definitely a win! It's also made me feel exceptionally fit, so despite the scale not moving I can feel changes in my body.
    - Averaged 6600 steps this past week, so I'm going to see if I can beat that this week!

    My stats are a great representation for people that weigh-ins aren't linear, but that doesn't mean you should panic or switch up what you're doing at the slightest increase. Over all I'm trending down, and that's great! Here's to another week!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 70 Member
    I only got 4 workout days in last week. But, I am not upset about that. I need to help out a friend a couple times this week so I got to work my workouts in on my lunch or on days I am not going over there. I am trying not to weigh in as much. I was not good at all this weekend. I tend to not have great days when I am not super busy. But i work every day this week as well as saturday morning. so that should help. I need to incorperate days of just weight training.
  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 105 Member
    Hello πŸ‘‹!

    I am trying to navigate this new MFP. I do miss the news feed. Some of y'all look familiar as my former friends on the app. Hope everyone is good!

    I am currently following Dr. Eric Westman, Duke University, Low Carb lifestyle to continue to lose weight (he is on YouTube, if I interested).

    My goal is to wear some of my older cute clothing, have energy, less pain in my body. Have longevity in this life!

    I look forward interacting with you all here! 😘
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member
    Awesome achievement!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    @mmatcha_latte Congratulations! Your hard work is showing. (That's my end of summer goal - onederland...)
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there, just checking in with my mid-week updates!

    Starting weight: 219 lbs (6/10/24)
    Ending weight: 214.2 lbs (6/30/24)
    Total loss: -4.8lbs (in 20 days)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for July: βœ”
    - Work 4 days/week βœ”
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week βœ”
    - Log meals daily and accurately βœ”
    - Gym 3x/week βœ”
    - Drink more water and less sugar βœ”
    - Treat myself once/week with a self date βœ”
    - Weigh in an 205lbs at the end of the month (-8lbs loss)

    1st: 213 lbs
    2nd: 212.8 lbs
    3rd: 211.6 lbs
    4th: 212 lbs
    5th: 213.2 lbs
    6th: 212.4 lbs
    7th: 212.4 lbs
    8th: 211.6 lbs
    9th: 212.4 lbs
    10th: 212.2 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - I'm starting to build up a regular client base at work, which means I have a regular income
    - At the gym I was able to do the entire abs circuit without taking a break. That's my first time being able to do that since starting 3 weeks ago!
    - I picked out an AMAZING watermelon today, first good one of the season and I'm ready to devour it over the next few days (in a heat wave atm, and watermelon is my favourite food)

    I have to admit, on Tuesday morning I was beginning to feel frustrated with the scale being teetering in the same vicinity over the period of a week. I know I'm losing fat, I know I'm ultimately down trending, but it was still frustrating to be weighing in close to a new low, only to weigh 1lb more then next morning. I know it's part of the process, I think I was just excited to see a new number and then disappointed that morning when I didn't. I'm just waiting to get through the plateau barrier for the next "shed week" when I lose 0.5lbs each day, those are always reassuring! But until then I'm going to remind myself that calorie deficit PLUS working out means I might not lose "weight" but I AM losing fat, and that's what I'm looking for!

    Here's to the rest of the week! :)
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 112 Member
    SW 253
    CW 240.6
    GW 160

    I started my journey at the beginning of June. I realized that the scale CANNOT go up any further. I realized all my clothes are tight and it's just not healthy anymore. I need to make a change. I tried MFP but decided to give WW a try to see if it is better. I like all the zero point foods and the virtual workshops so I am going to stick with it. I'm also doing the program with a friend so it makes it easier to stay on track. I'm headed on a big 10 day road trip on Saturday and I'm nervous to lose my progress. I want to enjoy myself but I am going to try my hardest to stick to plan and keep tracking. I bought a bunch of low point snacks and going to pack a cooler with fresh fruit and vegetables. Excited to hit up some okanagan fruit stands and get fresh fruit. I'm going to try my best!

    I hope everyone has a good week!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member
    I lost a half pound. Down to 186! I can feel 185 so closely I can almost taste it. Lost 3/4 of an inch off my waist. Happy to see progress.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,811 Member

    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2
    Starting Weight: 219.2 April / 5.2
    Starting Weight: 218.4 May / 3.2
    Starting Weight: 220.4 June /2.0
    Starting Weight: 221.6 July

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    I've pretty much wiped out my weight loss achieved earlier in the year!

    I've done exceptionally well with exercise but not as well with calorie consumption. My food choices aren't bad, but I have an issue with portion control. I will snack if snacks are available, so I try to keep them out of the house. And I very much enjoy red wine. I learned, the hard way, in the last 7 months, that you can't lose weight with exercise alone. Celebrating the wins: I also learned that you can change your body composition and you can get stronger with exercise and strength training. I also re-confirmed that I need to set a daily calorie goal about 250 to 300 less than what I should target to leave room for wiggle room. I know my faults, I just have to work with them. It's not going to happen over night and it's not going to happen if I stop, so I must continue.

    Closed on my home: 6/25 with intermittent moving through 6/27
    Big Move on 6/29
    Unpacking: Indefinitely!!! :)

    I'm all over the place right now. Usually, ending the day with wine, not tracking food, and not intentionally exercising. I've given myself through the weekend to regroup with everything and then buckle down on all accounts until the end of the month. Then it's vacation time :)

    Goals and Targets for July 15 - 30
    - Tracking/Under Calorie Budget >
    Plan for 1250 - Flex for 400 = 1650 (1250 - 1650) 🍎
    - Macros - hit Protein >
    Plan for 150. 100 is acceptable. (100 - 150) βœ…
    - Water - 80oz minimum >
    Pushing myself here and that's ok!
    Not less than 70 is acceptable (70 - 100)πŸ’§
    - Closing my rings M-S🚢🏽10k Steps a bonus!

    My Mantra(s):
    Things I need to remember daily!

    πŸ‹πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well πŸ₯—to Live Well 🚒✈️🧳
    H2O - Make it Flow πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
    Lose weight in the kitchen βš–οΈ, get fit in the gymπŸ‹πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
    Note to Self: Alcohol kills weight loss as the focus is burning alcohol calories and not fat calories!

    7/6 222.8

  • AG_Lake
    AG_Lake Posts: 45 Member
    Hi ! Trying to get below 221 . Well, I guess I will but it’s wait and see when it’ll happen. Stalled a bit yesterday as we had the tail end of a huge hurricane so couldn’t go out to walk. It was still a bad storm . See ya β€˜ !
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,811 Member
    Welcome @Japnaam4

    @lisakatz2 ~ Congrats on your progress. That's super motivating that people have started to notice as well. It's difficult for us to see progress as we see ourselves every day! Take that half pound as a win!
    @Kristinwoods919 ~ a smaller belt is a win!
    @pamperedlinny ~ It is a WIN that you have not returned to the start of your journey AND you are taking action now. There's nothing easy about this process.
    @CeCeFlyy, I'm so glad you had a nice vacation. It's interesting to see your reflection on your current living situation. I hope it works out for you. The drinking vessel is key to water consumption, in my opinion. I bought a 50-oz water bottle with a straw (I didn't think I'd like the straw) with the goal of filling and emptying it two times daily. I went from barely getting 32 ounces to 70 to 80 ounces! It took me a very long time to find my "why".
    @jenbroussard71 ~ Congrats on losing your "Riley Rose" weight! You've done extremely well for two months in. Keep it going. How did the meeting go for a personal trainer?
    @quolwy ~ your goals look solid for July! Wishing you well. What does your homemade coffee consist of? Nevermind...@lisakatz2 asked the same question :) Awesome plank work!! I'm currently at 1 second aiming for 5 seconds :wink: Good luck with the interview.
    @roz0810 ~ congrats on your progress, hope your ear infection is better.
    @KeriA ~ congrats on your retirement and the ability to focus on you and your health. I understand completely and I am reducing to part-time starting mid August. I am so excited about what this means for me. Full retirement TBD after this experiment.
    @Sharon81 ~ Looks like solid progress to me. Congrats
    @pashin8nz2000~ good Luck to you.
    @Missnewme9211 ~Welcome!
    @Mmatcha_latte ~ Congrats on reaching wonderland!!!
    @jo_casey42 ~ Good luck with WW. Enjoy your 10-day road trip and do your best, but don't fret about it.

    Welcome to all the new members that I didn't call out by name. I've been gone for the past couple of weeks so you may have joined in June. Welcome, none the less!

  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    @itladyee Thank you! Since the initial meeting I have had two training sessions. She is a very encouraging trainer and she explains everything very well. She is helping me work on my form. So far we are only doing body weight exercise, then I will progress to bands and eventually weights. I've had knee surgery and back surgery in the past and she is mindful and checks with me frequently to make sure I am not experiencing any pain. I am a little sore but I feel good. I don't have another session until next Monday, so this morning I walked on the treadmill. Tomorrow I plan on looking up Pilates on YouTube. One of my friends suggested "Move with Nicole." Hope you are doing well!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,811 Member
    @itladyee Thank you! Since the initial meeting I have had two training sessions. She is a very encouraging trainer and she explains everything very well. She is helping me work on my form. So far we are only doing body weight exercise, then I will progress to bands and eventually weights. I've had knee surgery and back surgery in the past and she is mindful and checks with me frequently to make sure I am not experiencing any pain. I am a little sore but I feel good. I don't have another session until next Monday, so this morning I walked on the treadmill. Tomorrow I plan on looking up Pilates on YouTube. One of my friends suggested "Move with Nicole." Hope you are doing well!

    I'm glad you found a very conscientious trainer, especially after your surgeries. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,629 Member
    Sorry I got quiet. 4th of July weekend took a LOT out of me and then returning to work on Monday left me a ton of work. Ugh! So I've been swamped. But I'm still hanging on. I'll try to read thru all the other posts from this week later today or tomorrow. It's just been crazy busy.
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 112 Member
    My weigh in day is yesterday and I gained 1.4 pounds for the week. Then I weighed in again today and lost 1.4 pounds!! Must have been water weight. I feel good, and ready to go on the road trip. Can't wait to get fresh interior BC fruit. We're going to try our hardest not to eat out and just pack lunches. We have sooooo many low point snacks so I'm hoping it will be fine. I contemplated bringing my weigh in scale so that I could still weigh myself daily to stay accountable but I think that is overkill. And I'd be scared to forget it somewhere along the way. I'm 1.2 pounds away from a 15 pound lost. So close! My clothes are fitting better. I feel more in control. I"m so happy to have found WW. I also love the community of MFP and this group is great! We're all in this together!