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Normal burn calories

One thing I think should be added is when you burn calories over time, not just when you exercise, because I run around a lot because I have siblings and that burns calories but it doesn't show up on the app and then I have to eat more calories and it throws my app off. Can you please add this into the app?
1 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 822 MFP Staff
    At this time we are currently only reading the step data, and individual "other" workouts sent from the watch via what transfers directly from Apple Health. We are not yet considering the active calories amount, also being measured by the watch.

    In the meantime, you may notice that your total calorie burn showing on the watch, does not match the total being reported to MyFitnessPal by Apple Health. This is to be expected. Please do, however, let us know if your step count is not matching up or you do not see your "other" workouts displayed in your MyFitnessPal Diary as "Apple Health Exercises."

    We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work out all the kinks. We will also do our best to update the following link as we have more information available: