
steeniejgoals170 Posts: 5 Member
Still up 4 lbs from my lowest... its been 4 days since I went away and I am going away again in 2 weeks. Would love to be at or below my lowest by 7/17 so I have 4 lbs to lose in 2 weeks. Stinks cuz i did a lot of cardio yesterday but I def over ate :(

Today's goal is to do pull day and track all my cals and stay under 1600!!!!!!!


  • steeniejgoals170
    steeniejgoals170 Posts: 5 Member
    Time for another diary entry....

    So i pushed myself to do 550 cals/1hr stair climber yesterday (after Core1)
    I thought i am def gonna kill it and be at a new low tmro etc. However I went in the cabinet and found my weakness gluten free pretzels. I downed em and ofc went up in weight to 191.6 :(

    So my overall goals are to be 150 lbs by the time of my wedding. I dont even have a date set but i can admit that the idea of being that low is very intimidating and i am taking it 1 lb at a time. My lowest weight since HS is 179 and my lowest weight of recent is 188. So I am 4 lbs up from my lowest ever. I feel super bloated rn and am having a lot of trouble fighting cravings for carbs/candy. I also am having trouble reaching my protein goals, usually coming in at a little less than 100g. It is also getting more and more difficult affording my high protein snacks so im trying to get it in more with meat, eggs, yogurt.

    Anyways. My pattern has been having a great nutrition day, a great workout, and then being super cravingy at night and "binging" /just overeating my craving ie. Chocolate, candy, or salty snacks. So far today ive eaten pretty well, i have only 200 cals left and im at 95g protein. I will try to get my protein in via yogurt or shake later tn when i inevitably crave something. Also, to help fight the cravings at night i have an overnight oatmeal prepped in the fridge. I used to eat this at night the last time i lost a bunch of weight yrs ago. I can have it with a banana and *1* scoop of nutella so i get my fix while also being full. I hope this works. Also im gonna have a cup of tea at night as well bc it just feels good to do that. Anyway, im just trying not to quit. Getting into the 180s and surpassing them is where i got slipped up last time. Im just trying to keep going and not give up.

    TLDR. Cravings suck!
  • steeniejgoals170
    steeniejgoals170 Posts: 5 Member
    Officially made my cals 1500 but im mentally ok with 1600. Ive been eating around 1800 which i believe is my maintenance. So yeah. 1600. Still need protein today and will have my overnight oats with nutella and a banana later and some tea. And if that puts me past my cals its fine bc my goal today isn't necessarily calories but just avoiding a binge bc i dont wanna go rogue especially as often as i have been so if i can eat this tn and feel.good abt it and get in more protein and not binge then so be it
  • steeniejgoals170
    steeniejgoals170 Posts: 5 Member
    Just ate my oatmeal its 10p
    It clocked in at like 500 cals which put me at 2100 cals
    131 g protein total for the day

    Honestly i feel full and if i dont binge later tonight ill take it !
  • steeniejgoals170
    steeniejgoals170 Posts: 5 Member
    Weighed in at 189.2

    Ill take it especially cuz im on my period

    Hoping that after my period i drop some more bc ive been trying rlly hard

    Anyway had cottage cheese on a bagel- def a good hack!

    Had some candy at work, wasnt worth the calories but did make me feel good lolol

    Just remembering that cal deficit is the first tier to weight loss. then protein. Then lifting. Then sleep. Then cardio.
    So yea whatever abt candy just gotta stay in a deficit