PSA - Beware These Scams!

nossmf Posts: 10,940 Member
The purpose of this thread is to identify scams we (or loved ones) have either fallen prey to or avoided, and we want to spread the word to warn others. Please do not identify specific names or websites, just the general nature of the scam.


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,940 Member
    edited July 9
    I'm starting this thread based upon a conversation at my house last night. Doorbell rang, a young woman asked if ours was the house offering a rare breed of dog puppies. When told we are not, she became crestfallen as she realized she had been scammed.

    The nature of the scam is this: somebody posts online they are selling something (car, rare dog, etc). When contacted by a prospective buyer, they ask for half the money transferred online, the other half after the customer arrives to pick up their purchase.

    In this case, the buyer was from Texas, and was told to travel all the way to Colorado (an 11-hr drive) to pick up their "dog." The address given was my address, complete with photos. By the time the buyer arrives, not only do they not receive what they were hoping for, but all contact information from the "seller" has been closed and the money for down payment is irretrievable.

    This is the third buyer to come to my house in the past six months, all from out of state, all out of luck. We have contacted the police, who say there's nothing they can do; we have contacted the website which originally posted the ad, who confirmed the ad was removed but could do nothing to prevent a similar ad from appearing (which has occurred multiple times now).
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,940 Member
    I will also admit to having fallen victim to a scam. Some years ago I received a call out of the blue claiming to be from a popular prize sweepstakes, claiming I won and the official party was on the way to my door for the photo op. I just had to authorize payment for city ordinances to close the street down for a couple hours. I paid, I waited at the house, the prize party never arrived.

    Even when you think you're wise and can identify scams which "only an idiot would fall for", be careful, as you may be that idiot.