I am at an all time low

pnrbor Posts: 62 Member
I should rather say high as my weight. I have worked hard to lose weight in the past. This year it started out well. Then I battled to lose and in the end I found out the I have a problem with my hormones that were causing me to have the systems of menopause.
Since then I have put on an extra 3kg. I feel at my worse ever and helpless.
I am going to Amsterdam and meeting a friend I have never met in person before and right now I don't want to meet anyone.
7kg gain in the past 4 years. I am only 5.6 in height.
How do I get motivation back especially when it's harder then ever to lose because of my hormones issue.


  • civicprynsess
    civicprynsess Posts: 1 Member
    Im in the same boat except i have gained 14kg in 9 months and i am 5.0 in height lol! I dont even know what to do about it. i feel disgusting
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    It's surprising how sneakily little extra it takes to gain quite a noticeable amount of weight.

    To gain 7kg in 4 years only requires in theory eating on average 37 calories more daily than one burns. That kind of weight creep is pretty easy to have happen, either from eating slightly more calories, or from reducing activity slightly, or a combination. It's pretty common to reduce activity as we age (without noticing), and a bunch of us reduced it extra much during the recent pandemic.

    Gaining 14 kg in 9 months is more like eating 400 calories more daily than one burns. That's a little more dramatic, but still pretty easy to do: It amounts the equivalent of a can of soda pop and a candy bar daily, basically; but it could also happen from eating an especially high calorie meal a couple of times a week.

    Losing weight in menopause is possible. I'm not the only one who's done it.

    The most common mistake, IMO, is that people decide to go hard to lose weight fast, and that's hard to sustain long enough to lose a meaningful total amount of weight. Slow and steady wins this race, and misery is pretty much optional. There's no need to adopt difficult, restrictive rules about food choices, or do punitively intense exercise. Figure out how to eat a manageable amount less in calorie terms, and move somewhat more in fun (or at least tolerable/practical) ways . . . it adds up.

    The surprising arithmetic works in reverse, too. :):flowerforyou:

    IME, the rewards are worth the effort. I'm cheering for you to succeed!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,183 Member
    If you are looking to a group to help you stay motivated with your weight loss, check out Fat 2 Fit! Registrations will open in less than 2 weeks for August :)
