Starting tomorrow need as much support as I can get!

Hey everyone!

So I knew I needed to lose weight, I’ve had 5 kids 2 years into a relationship I have got very “comfortable” my job is a physical job so I thought I would be ok. My knees have started hurting thought it was just because of work then I had to walk up some stairs at a beach (a lot of stairs!) and I honestly could have died I was so out of breath wobbly if I realised this just isn’t normal or healthy

My partner is so sweet and would never say I’m too big or anything and always tells me I’m beautiful.

Today I bought some scales and joked I needed a good cry so I’ll buy them….. I didn’t realise the reality of that statement until I stepped on them…. 19st 11lb 😱 I’ve gained 2st in 2 years I’ve been big a while but this is ridiculous for my 5”4 frame.

Im allowing myself tonight to cry and feel sorry for myself tomorrow is day 1 of changing this around!

Feel free to add me and send me any tips and encouragement this lady will need it.

Thank you for reading my rant ❤️