Knee injury

slm3639 Posts: 1 Member
Hi. Sheri here. Just hurt my knee and I believe it’s because I changed shoe brands and sizes. Thoughts as how to heal quickly?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    edited July 13
    Well, that really depends on what kind of injury. Do you think you should see a doctor?

    I've had several knee injuries. One of them required surgery, the rest healed in time with rest, ice, elevation, compression, anti-inflammatory OTC meds, and then physical therapy.

    Have you looked online at all? I always go to Bob & Brad (Physical Therapists) on YouTube and facebook. They may help you too, if it's not serious.

    Other than that - time. My last knee injury took several months. Hopefully yours won't!
  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,365 Member
    I injured my knee years ago while exercising and eventually went to see my doctor. She sent me to a physiotherapist and it helped tremendously but you have to do the exercises they recommend. The first time I went to physio I did my exercises once in a while and didn’t see any improvement. It took going again years later and doing my exercises every day for months to see improvement. I have stopped doing the exercises and the pain has returned to my knee so I have to start up again.

    I would go to your doctor sooner rather than later. I waited 6 months to a year till i saw my doctor. You don’t want a nagging injury like I have.