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Change 'Recent' list back

I'm finding it more difficult now that all my recent foods are listed under each meal. Life was so much easier when my oatmeal was only listed under Breakfast and crackers were only listed under Snacks. Now I wade through a lot of other meals. Could this be returned to what it always was?
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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    You might want to double-check your settings - it can be kind of easy to click something by accident.

    You don't say whether you're using the phone/tablet app, or the web browser version of MFP, which would've been helpful information (even if there is a bug vs. a setting).

    On the web, there's an option when adding food to the diary, and once set, I believe it stays at the last setting. It's circled in red:


    In the phone/tablet app, there's a setting you can find in the More menu, then Settings, then Diary Settings. The screen grab is from the Android version, but usually Apple/iOS is very similar.


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    In the app, there is also a setting in the diary itself to toggle between recent and frequent and between all meals or only the meal you are adding to:

