Busy Mom of 3 trying to figure out how to fit diet and exercise into my schedule and family

Hello Friends,
I have learned over the years that in order to not be overweight I must meal plan, log, track calories, steps and exercise everyday. Meanwhile, I have a husband and 3 growing kids I cook for who are not overweight and love sugar and fat. We pastor a church where people always bring fattening foods to share. I am surrounded by people who mostly eat stuff I am not supposed to eat. I am a stay at home mom. It's summer so I currently take care of my 3 kids all day everyday and volunteer lead a few ministries. I am looking for fast and easy meal plans that are family friendly. I have almost no time to myself to log or exercise, but I want to get started now. Any ideas?


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Just start. It’s that simple.

    Having said that, I know how I go to pieces when presented with a bunco spread, and that’s only once a month. I can’t imagine having to deal with pot luck and love offerings more frequently than that. I have noticed, though, as more people in our group committed to weight loss (through whatever method) some other members began making an effort to provide healthier options when they hosted. My “oh I added 3 sticks of butter” friend made grilled chicken and vegetables last time she hosted.

    If it’s not too embarrassing, tactfully put the word out that you have to watch what you eat. Frame it “for health reasons” and people will be happier to oblige.

    I’ve started bringing (whether asked to or not) a low calorie dish to share, usually a dessert. That way there’s something on hand that I can enjoy without guilt. Some hostesses get a little bent out of shape, but I’ve learned to ignore that. What goes in my body is my choice, not their default of triple caramel chocolate whatever they grabbed from the grocery store that afternoon.

    I was obese until five years ago, but while my kids did practice, I would walk the track or even go into the little gym in the rec center where one practiced at. If only I’d had MFP behind me in those days.

    Can you get the kids to walk with you? multiple benefits- helps you, teaches them good habits, quality time, and might wear their little bottoms out for bed.

    In your position, could you start a church “healthy eating” group? A walking, hiking or biking grouo? Cooking classes? Do you have a dietician in the church membership?

    I hate to sound crasss, but if that’s out there, peer pressure, ya know. But, by the same token, a lot of people in groups like churches, civic groups etc are also hungry for companionship. People might actually pay attention if they see this happening at church, or you’d at least have more choices of foods at these gatherings.

    Just remember, people hate food crusaders, as I’ve found. You’ve got to find a balance.

    Some people may remain headstrong, or even enjoy sabotaging, like my 3-stick gal, but even she came around when she saw how important it was to about 1/3 of our group. I was really proud of her, didn’t dare say anything, though, lol.
  • Rxman1971
    Rxman1971 Posts: 362 Member
    Just do it as Nike says