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Automatic Daily Caloric Adjustment


Introduce a feature that automatically adjusts the user's daily caloric intake by a set percentage (e.g., 1%) to help achieve a smooth and gradual caloric deficit over time. This feature would ensure that users do not need to manually recalculate their caloric intake each day, making it easier to consistently follow a weight loss plan.

**How it Works:**

1. **Initial Setup:**
- The user inputs their current weight, target weight, and desired timeframe for reaching their goal.
- The app calculates the starting daily caloric intake based on the user's basal metabolic rate (BMR) and activity level.

2. **Daily Adjustment:**
- Each day, the app automatically reduces the daily caloric intake by a predetermined percentage (e.g., 1%).
- The app provides notifications and updates on the new daily caloric goal.

3. **Progress Tracking:**
- The app tracks the user's weight loss progress and adjusts the daily caloric intake accordingly.
- If the user reaches a weight plateau, the app can suggest alternative strategies or adjust the percentage of caloric reduction.

4. **User Control:**
- Users have the option to customize the percentage of daily caloric reduction.
- Users can pause or reset the automatic adjustment feature if needed.


- **Consistency:** Users achieve a gradual and sustainable caloric deficit without the hassle of daily recalculations.
- **Ease of Use:** The automatic adjustment removes the guesswork from calorie management.
- **Motivation:** Daily notifications and progress tracking help keep users motivated and engaged.

**Potential Add-ons:**

- Integration with fitness trackers to adjust caloric goals based on activity levels.
- Personalized meal and exercise suggestions to help meet the adjusted caloric goals.
- Community support and challenges to encourage users to stay on track.


This feature could significantly enhance the user experience by simplifying the process of maintaining a caloric deficit, ultimately aiding in weight loss and health management goals.
2 votes

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