Are Macros Important?

I'm sure this has been talked about before, but I can't be bothered to sift through everything to find an answer.
So I'm wondering how important fitting macros are - shouldn't it not really make a difference? Or are they just a healthy guideline? (obviously I understand it's better to have a healthy balance of carbs/protein/fat instead of all carbs or something)
Also, i have a feeling MFP is hyper-sugar-sensitive. I've had a cup of milk today and a cup of yoghurt (both plain, full fat versions) - and i'm already 9g over. Literally all my sugar came from the sugar (lactose I'm guessing) In these 2 things.
Anyway, I don't like little red numbers, so I'm wondering if you have had the same experience? I'm thinking of not tracking it because I get sad when I see red...haha.
Thanks guys! Sorry for a basic question from a newbie but if you could fill me in that'd be great!


  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    You have nothing to apologize for! And trust me this is a common topic around here. I hate the sugar thing I always feel like a HUGE fail when I see them go red. I think the goal is to keep your processed added sugars low but unfortunately they count natural sugar too. Mine are always through the roof! Just horrible! I eat a lot of fruit and bam that does it. LOL but then I go over on fiber too *Shrug is that a bad thing? You just keep up the good work keep a good attitude and post as much as you want if you have questions or need support! That is what we are all here for! :)
    Oh btw welcome!!!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Its fine to go over your sugar unless you have any sugar related disease like diabetes . Going over your sugar wont matter as long as you within your calorie range for the day.

    Calories > Macros .
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I think most people remove the sugar column from their diaries. I certainly have.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I think most people remove the sugar column from their diaries. I certainly have.

    I have replaced the sugar column with fiber.
  • jjkarnitz
    The problem with MFP is that it doesn't differentiate between added sugars and sugar that is naturally occurring in fruits, dairy, etc. While it's good to be aware of those sugars and vary your diet, most recommendations for sugar are actually for added sugar, so I always go over too. If you can keep a lid on the added sugar, it's probably okay to have the sugar in fruits/lactose (I say probably because some people are sensitive to sugar in fruit if they eat a ton of it and nothing else).
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    You'll fine a lot of different opinions on whether macros really matter. I think mine are set at 40/30/30 and used to always go over on carbs. And recently I have cut back on carbs without even meaning to and I find I get full a lot easier when carbs aren't the basis of my meals. I also hit my macros more evenly. However, I don't know that hitting my macros has really done anything extra for me in terms of weight loss. My weight loss is already pretty slow (like 1-2 lbs/month) because I'm doing Stronglifts so its hard to tell.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    i only track calories, fats, and protein.

    i don't worry about anything else because i have no medical conditions that require me to monitor anything else. some people track fiber, and i suppose that's useful to keep track of for some people. some people track sodium, but i think that's mostly so that they know "why" they are retaining fluids on days when the scale moves up.

    but you really only need to track calories, fats, and protein.

    make sure your daily goals are set properly (don't trust the MFP defaults) and try to stay just under on your calories and over on your fats and protein (both are daily minimums) and you'll be fine. no need to make this more complicated that it is.

    if you track fats and protein, whatever is left from your calories is necessarily carbs, which is why i don't track carbs. i also consider all of these low-carb and low-sugar diets to be gimmicky fads which i don't follow, so no need for me to explicitly track carbs.
  • jordsmith9
    What are you goals?

    Macros are the best way to track things specific to your body. I use them and have found that I was under eating for years trying to gain muscle and shed fat. If you dont know what your Macros are let me know and I can figure them out for you and email or send them to you. It's not hard, but I've found them to help a lot.

    Do you take any supplements? I just did a Advocare 10 day cleanse and I feel amazing!!! It's crazy what weight we hold in our GI Track. Let me know

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I'm sure this has been talked about before, but I can't be bothered to sift through everything to find an answer.
    I was going to type an answer but I can't be bothered by typing it out
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Depends on if you goals are geared towards general weightloss or performance / body composition.

    General Weightloss - Calories
    Performance and Body Comp - Macros planned out with preset calorie goal for either caloric deficit, maintenance, or surplus.
  • wintershrink
    What are you goals?

    Thanks everyone. I am looking to lose around 15 pounds, but more importantly to eat regularly and nutrient dense foods so that I break the habit of binge eating and then restricting to compensate.
    Personally, I feel that eating the recommended ratios for my macros has helped me feel more satisfied and satiated, because I notice that a good mixture of protein/carbs/fat (even a little heavy on the fat as long as it's quality fat) makes me feel fantastic.

    I have been tempted in the past to go high protein, low carb, but it's never worked for me and I am always tired and grumpy in a few days.
    I'm eating quite a bit of full-fat dairy, whole grains and wholewheat bread, minimally processed foods (as close as possible to their natural state), no juice or soda, and trying to cut down on how much meat I eat, although i have no plans to be a vegetarian.
    Basically, a balanced 90% 'clean', with the occasional biscuit or scoop of ice cream.
    And i find this has been very successful. I feel energised, light, strong and focused!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    The problem with MFP is that it doesn't differentiate between added sugars and sugar that is naturally occurring in fruits, dairy, etc. While it's good to be aware of those sugars and vary your diet, most recommendations for sugar are actually for added sugar, so I always go over too. If you can keep a lid on the added sugar, it's probably okay to have the sugar in fruits/lactose (I say probably because some people are sensitive to sugar in fruit if they eat a ton of it and nothing else).

    It's a common misconception that refined sugar and natural sugar are different. They are not. Your body doesn't know the difference. However, just like sodium, it's not a problem unless it is. If you have a medical issue and have to monitor sodium or sugar intake, then by all means, monitor it. But, if you do not have a health related problem, don't worry about it. Just watch your macro nutrients and forget about everything else. Sugar is a carb. Carbs are a macro nutrient your body needs.

    ^^^^yup. there is no difference between a gram of sugar coming from processed, granulated table sugar and a gram of sugar coming from an apple. they are, chemically, the exact same thing and your body will react as such. it irks me when i see people say "i had 400g of sugar today but that's okay, it all came from natural sources." :/
  • wintershrink
    there is no difference between a gram of sugar coming from processed, granulated table sugar and a gram of sugar coming from an apple. they are, chemically, the exact same thing and your body will react as such.

    Okay, so if this is true, I'm still going to assume that MFP's sugar tab is a guideline for 'added' sugars, not counting the sugars I may already be getting (fructose, lactose etc.). Otherwise, I'd guess it'd be pretty darn impossible to eat in the recommended way. surely?
    I guess the nitty gritty doesn't reallllly matter at the end of the day, because we all know we should be eating less refined sugar, and our bodies tell us when enough is enough (headaches, fogginess, extreme hunger - insulin crash, bloating....these are all for me personally at least)
    Thanks for your contribution! Interesting stuff!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    there is no difference between a gram of sugar coming from processed, granulated table sugar and a gram of sugar coming from an apple. they are, chemically, the exact same thing and your body will react as such.

    Okay, so if this is true, I'm still going to assume that MFP's sugar tab is a guideline for 'added' sugars, not counting the sugars I may already be getting (fructose, lactose etc.). Otherwise, I'd guess it'd be pretty darn impossible to eat in the recommended way. surely?
    I guess the nitty gritty doesn't reallllly matter at the end of the day, because we all know we should be eating less refined sugar, and our bodies tell us when enough is enough (headaches, fogginess, extreme hunger - insulin crash, bloating....these are all for me personally at least)
    Thanks for your contribution! Interesting stuff!

    i would recommend taking sugar out of your diary settings and replace it with something else. i replaced my sugar tracker with an iron tracker since carbs, fiber, protein and fat were already in my diary settings. i just changed my diary settings to see what MFP would suggest for me if i were to take their guidance on sugar allowance and its only 27 grams per day for me. didn't realize its that low, since i have never had sugar added as an item on my diary settings. in respect to carbs, i just track total carbs and fiber, subtract fiber from total carbs, and that's how many net carbs i know i've had a day. i just try to keep my carbs as complex as possible, but i have an apple a day and a glass of milk a day, and i'm sure those two items in and of themselves would put me over 27grams. i would just recommend taking sugar out of your diary settings. just as long as you are conscious and aware of your sources of carbohydrates, then you're fine.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    I keep an eye on the macros but don't obsess. I actually appreciate the sugar gram tracker as I had NO idea how much sugar I was consuming - from healthy fruits or my refined sugar addiction. I watch them to keep my protein up, my sugars one point, I shared the opinion that a calorie was a calorie but I've changed my view somewhat and watch the carbs. It's helped with my energy levels and the nasty cravings that would push me over into late night carb cramming.
  • Healthychick84
    Healthychick84 Posts: 17 Member
    You can change your goals. I have the same prob with going over my sugar. I eat 2 to 3 servings of fruit a day n that's all it takes for me To get that little ugly little red number lol. I increased the goal for sugar a bit because I eat clean n any sugar that I log is natural so I totally agree with u, also when u workout they increase the goal as well so I'm usually good. So maybe if u customize your goals a little u can get rid of that pesky red number.