Issues in breathing related to diet and fitness?

What are some common causes and remedies for breathing related issues that you’ve dealt with?

For example when I chest press with poor form I find my breathing takes longer to recover. And similarly when I bloat due to bad digestion or gas.

Any insight on fixing breathing issues caused by working out or diet? And perhaps specifically with regard to long term relief?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,782 Member
    I have to ask: Do you have a lot of weight to lose? Are you relatively new to the fitness activities you're doing? Have you discussed your breathing issues with your doctor?

    What you're describing, if I take it literally, sounds unusual and somewhat concerning. But maybe I'm over-reacting.

    With the chest press, are you breathing properly when lifting? Some people tend to hold their breath, and that's not good.

    In cardiovascular exercise, serious breathing issues can be related to a health condition (heart condition, lung issues like asthma or others, etc.), or simply be because a person is overdoing for their current fitness level, in the mistaken belief that suffering is a sign of a good workout. ("No pain, no gain" kind of nonsense.) That's a total myth. A manageable, moderate challenge to current capabilities is best for fitness development. Overdoing is counter-productive. Some of that may also apply to strength training.

    But I'm not the best person to assess which breathing issues are likely to affect strength training. I know that there are physiological/anatomical issues that can contribute to posture-related breathing issues (for example, some of the same things that can cause sleep apnea, which I have). That could be higher likelihood if there's still a good bit of weight to lose. But that's about it for what I know about.

    I held off on replying to your post, hoping someone more knowledgeable would chime in. I hope that still may happen.

    Best wishes!