Question about lady lifting solo


I've read a ton in here about ladies lifting heavy and I've been saying I was going to do it when I can afford a gym.

I'm in the middle of a divorce so money is tight.


This gorgeous new facility just opened in the city I work in. As a hospital employee, I can join for $30 a year.

Not sure how much equipment they have, or if there will be a lot of ladies there, but I decided that it would be silly to pass up this opportunity.

I need to hear from ladies who lift solo. I've done my homework and will decide what program to use, and make a log book, etc. I would just like to "know" some people I can ask questions of if I get stuck.

Any kernels of advice?


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I'm a beginner at it, but Stronglifts 5x5 is great. There's a group on here too, lots of great links and info.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    I've read a ton in here about ladies lifting heavy and I've been saying I was going to do it when I can afford a gym.

    I'm in the middle of a divorce so money is tight.


    This gorgeous new facility just opened in the city I work in. As a hospital employee, I can join for $30 a year.

    Not sure how much equipment they have, or if there will be a lot of ladies there, but I decided that it would be silly to pass up this opportunity.

    I need to hear from ladies who lift solo. I've done my homework and will decide what program to use, and make a log book, etc. I would just like to "know" some people I can ask questions of if I get stuck.

    Any kernels of advice?

    it looks like they offer a "women and weights" class several times during the week. I would look into taking it. Also, see if they offer a free orientation with a trainer.

    If you need help while you are in the gym, try asking someone IN the weight area. As long as you don't bug them while they are in the middle of a set, many guys would be happy to help. If you regularly see the same staff members working when you are there, make friends with them. The trainer who always worked during the hours I went to the gym has ended up being a close friend of mine ( he actually left the gym, but we email and text. He has come to visit me at my house on several occasions. ).
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Do the women and weights class but know this (listen, because it's really important): women do not have to anything differently to men. If they tell you that women should lift light weights and do lots of reps, promise me you will stamp your feet, shout "BULLPUCKY!!" At the top of your lungs and storm out. Then sheepishly sneak back in, pick up your bag and water bottle, then creep out again.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Do the women and weights class but know this (listen, because it's really important): women do not have to anything differently to men. If they tell you that women should lift light weights and do lots of reps, promise me you will stamp your feet, shout "BULLPUCKY!!" At the top of your lungs and storm out. Then sheepishly sneak back in, pick up your bag and water bottle, then creep out again.

    This! Well stated, too.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Do the women and weights class but know this (listen, because it's really important): women do not have to anything differently to men. If they tell you that women should lift light weights and do lots of reps, promise me you will stamp your feet, shout "BULLPUCKY!!" At the top of your lungs and storm out. Then sheepishly sneak back in, pick up your bag and water bottle, then creep out again.

    Too funny!