Introducing myself for the umpteenth time! I'm an old fart named Heidi.

Yup, I'm back. I first joined mfp many-many years ago. I'm now 73 years old and I've weighed a hundred pounds or more too much for years. Unfortunately, for the last several years I've been living in limbo. Hubby had a stoke followed by lots of stuff that meant I was his caretaker and my role was, I thought, externally driven. Now hubby is in our senior community's nursing home, well taken care of, and I need to figure out how to escape limbo.

I need to establish my purpose in life and when asked by the counselor (therapist) what I want in life, well, I want to live into my mid-90s happy and healthy. So, I guess that's my purpose. Now I need goals to commit to. One of them, of course, is losing weight and increasing exercise. Luckily, I live in a seniors community that has lots of exercise programs and facilities and for starters I asked a crafts-group-friend if I could start walking with her. It's hard for me to ask others for help but I promised the counselor I'd make the call and, of course, my friend is happy to help.

I know how to lose weight. Eat less and move more. Keeping a food log on MFP works a charm for me. Keeping track of calories is key for me.

So, I'm back. We get a meal-a-day here as part of our monthly fee and the menu has calories listed for most things so the easy way to keep the diary is to use quick add and the menu figures for supper. Since I lose or gain weight pretty much according to calories in/calories out, in a couple weeks I should know whether the menu figures are close enough.


  • FeralWitch
    FeralWitch Posts: 8 Member
    I’m 35 and always inspired by older people getting/staying fit, because we’ll all get there someday if we’re lucky, and even better if we have our health.

    I had 50lbs to lose, now 40lbs. :smile: a committed mind can accomplish so much. We got this!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,782 Member
    Oh, hooray, Heidi! I remember you from when you were here in the Community before, a great participant! I'd wondered what happened with you, and I'm sorry to hear you've been through so much since we last heard from you. It sounds like you're in an easier overall situation now, fortunately. It also sounds like you have good resources to draw on for both eating and activity sides of the equation, too.

    I look forward to hearing more from you, and hearing about your progress: Best wishes!