Festival of Hogwarts - Join us at Hogwarts for special One Week Challenge (7/29 to 8/4)

Kisame29 Posts: 10,090 Member

Festival of Hogwarts
Welcome both current students and visitors to our celebration of Hogwarts!

Come one, come all! For this special event, we are opening Hogwarts for the first time to anyone on MyFitnessPal to participate in our final event for Term 50 to celebrate 10 years of our Hogwarts Weight Loss challenge. This means that ANYONE who is a member of MyFitnessPal may participate in this special event.

For this festival, you may go to various "booths" and participate to earn galleons. Then you may put these galleons in the "tip jar" of your favorite characters to help them win a popularity battle!

Here is a link to the challenge itself with the rules: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10920703/festival-of-hogwarts-week-6-july-29th-august-4th#latest

Note: There will a limit on how much you can participate at each booth - this way you are encourage to explore all the various activities at the festival :) The spreadsheet will not give you additional galleons beyond the limits.

Booth 1: Drinking water - 1 galleon for drinking 1 glass of water per day (max = 32 oz or 4 galleons)
Booth 2: Walk/run/bike/row/exercise to travel 1 mile = 1 galleon (max = 10 miles per day)
Booth 3: Complete 1 of the below darebee workouts at Level 1 for 1 galleon (Max = 3 galleons; Note - for each galleon, you may complete the same or a different workout)
Wizard https://darebee.com/workouts/wizard-workout.html
Bellatrix https://darebee.com/workouts/bellatrix-workout.html
Chosen One https://darebee.com/workouts/chosen-one-workout.html
Booth 4: Eat 2 servings of fruit/veggies = 1 galleon (max = 10 servings per day or 5 galleons per day)
Booth 5: Complete 15 minutes of strength training = 1 galleon (max = 60 minutes, 4 galleons per day)
Booth 6: Complete 15 minute of cardio = 1 galleon (max = 60 minutes, 4 galleons per day)
Booth 7: Complete 15 minutes of flex/yoga exercise = 1 galleon (max = 60 minutes, 4 galleons per day)
Booth 8: Complete 20 minutes of time on a Harry Potter related activity (reading HP book, watching a movie, playing an HP game, reading Harry Potter fanfiction, etc) to earn 1 galleon (max = 1 galleon - so you may complete either option ONCE per day for 1 galleon)

*Note: Exercise for one booth may NOT count for another booth. For example, if you complete 1 mile running for Booth 2, that may not also be used for Booth 6.

Note: These battles are a popularity contest (NOT who you would think would win in a battle/duel), so are just having you pick your favorite characters or who you want to win. Perhaps you think it is time Ron wins a popularity contest or you just want to make other people work harder to make their favorite character win ;)

Battle One:
Harry vs Draco vs Ron vs Neville

Battle Two:
Hermione vs Ginny vs Luna

Battle Three:
Sirius vs Lupin vs Snape vs James Potter vs Lily

Battle Four:
Scorpius Malfoy vs Tonks vs Newt Scamander

Please see the images below (that are edited so these are NOT the activities or battles of course since we don't expect anyone to fly around on the Quidditch Pitch on their broomstick in this weather ;))




Up close pictures of Page 2 and 3:


So as in the above example, you would enter your name. You would enter a line each day that you participate in the challenge and enter your information to get your galleons. The actual battles are themed around Harry Potter though for the challenge ;)

This optional challenge will run from 12:01 (ET) on Monday, July 29th until 11:59 PM (ET) on Sunday, August 4th.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in the linked thread in Hogwarts or post in this thread.

Term 50 Staff:
Please feel free to check out Hogwarts, participate in the Festival as much or little as you'd like! We also have the application for Term 51 posted in the Daily Prophet so if you'd like to join Hogwarts for a full 8 week term starting in August, then feel free to apply :)


  • JesusGirl62
    JesusGirl62 Posts: 10,710 Member
    Come join us at Hogwarts for a fun filled week. Open to all!!!
    TEXASTITCHER Posts: 7,874 Member
    Have a fun time at Hogwarts and learn about the fun we have at the castle.
  • Kisame29
    Kisame29 Posts: 10,090 Member
    Also for anyone interested in joining in, the current battle scores after 2 days -

    Battle One:
    Neville (36 galleons)
    Ron (19 galleons)
    Harry (10 galleons)
    Draco (9 galleons)

    Battle Two:
    Hermione (81 galleons) *tie*
    Luna (81 galleons) *tie*
    Ginny (34 galleons)

    Battle Three:
    Remus Lupin (28 galleons)
    Severus Snape (22 galleons)
    Sirius Black (17 galleons)
    James Potter (14 galleons)
    Lily Potter (6 galleons)

    Battle Four:
    Newt Scamander (17 galleons)
    Nymphadora Tonks (14 galleons)
    Scorpius Malfoy (4 galleons)
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,630 Member
    And than ranking has already changed again - Hermione is in the lead :D