Restart, Help Needed

newbeetler Posts: 197 Member
Long Story Short.

Been Yo-yoing for 10 years. Running up to the pandemic I managed to drop 4.5 Stone, was lifting heavy every day and getting in the gym and loving it.

Pandemic hit, I switched to running and was running 5k's 3 times a week and Sub 60 minute 10k once a week. That lasted 6 months.

Since then I have lost all my muscle, stopped running and put on 1.5 Stone.

Joined local Gym 18 months ago as I don't go to the office any more, been put on a work from home contract so all my lifting mates at 50 miles away and I have lost contact with them.

Tried Gym a few times and its horrible. So alone.

So today I start again as I know what I can do but I need to find that new motivation.

Headphones I think may be the thing for me to take and just put my head down but any advice, support is going to be needed.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    Have you considered a running club? If you're looking for interaction, maybe something that is team oriented? Or get a trainer for the weights and I'm sure they would know about smaller local gyms that are well attended that focus on the weights (?)
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks for the ideas.

    Running club not really my thing. My body reacts better to lifting than it does to Cardio.

    Something I have learnt over the years.

    Most local PT's are either bootcamps in the field which isn't my thing or affiliated to a gym which you have to be a member of before you can start asking those types of questions.

    I will have a look round at some point but this one works for locale and being able to be home/at the gym to assist my daughters.

    I made it today and put a play list on with my head down in the headphones which worked today. Its not something I have tried before so maybe that is how to start getting into the swing of it and going regularly.