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Better handling of meal/recipe ingredients

JEGL1012 Posts: 1 Member
I recently switched from Fitbit food tracking to MFP. I've added 5 pages worth of recipes and I spotted multiple areas for improvement:

1 - The food item scan feature only allows to add the found item to the Food Diary. This needs to be expanded so the item can be added to recipes and meals. Today I have to scan the item with the phone and then type it manually on the web portal or iPad in order to add it to a meal or a recipe. This is very clunky.

2 - Ability to swap ingredients when adding a recipe or a meal to the Food Diary. People often need to change ingredients, remove ingredients or change the amount used of an ingredient. The only way to do this is to duplicate a recipe, make changes, add the new recipe to the Food Diary and then delete it from the Recipes list. This is a lot of work.

3 - To be able to search for one of my added recipes in my Recipes list. Sometimes I need to look for an ingredient brand that I use in a recipe, change a recipe, or delete a recipe for example. On the web portal this is really tedious. I already have mutliple pages of recipes so I have to click on each page in order to find the recipe I'm looking for. In the iPad the process is easier because there is no pagination and the recipes are sorted in alphabetical order but still as the list grows the iPad app will also need this feature.

I'm happy with MFP specially the web portal. The Fitbit food logging portal was just awful and Google killed it. These features will save users a ton of time.
4 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 822 MFP Staff
    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughtful feedback! Please know that I've passed all of these along to the appropriate internal teams to consider more in future updates.

    If we can assist with anything else in the meantime, you can always email our Support Team directly at

    Thank you for using MyFitnessPal!