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๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€***August 2024 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,699 Member
    Thank you, @mtaratoot !
    I'm Chris - 74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    My husband and I are retired.
    I see my trainer for 60 mins three days a week and try to walk the other four days. The walking doesn't always work out.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 147.0
    UGW: 145.0
    August 01: 150.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading
    August 05: 151.8 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing cuz my trainer is out of town
    August 12: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    August 19: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    August 26:
    August 31:
    Good luck everyone.
  • CitricHamster
    CitricHamster Posts: 101 Member
    August Start Weight: 183lbs
    August Goal Weight: 178 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 126 lbs

    August 1: 183 lbs
    August 8: 180 lbs
    August 15: 178 lbs
    August 22: 175.7 lbs
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Almost at pre-lockdown weight.

    Not feeling great today as I'm reintroducing food but I'm making progress.

    See you all next week!
  • Juslilly
    Juslilly Posts: 52 Member
    I didn't log my calories this week. It was also my birthday so I did a bit of celebrating. Gained a pound. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. You have to live a little sometimes. Onward and upward (or downward since it's weight we are talking about). Have a good week everyone.

    Weight Loss YTD: 11.5 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 lbs.
    August Start Weight: 185.5 lbs.
    August Goal Weight: 179.5 lbs.

    August 1: 185.5 lbs.
    August 8: 185 lbs.
    August 15: 182 lbs. ;) yay!
    August 22: 183 lbs.
    August 29:
    August 31:
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 684 Member
    The last two months the weight loss has ground to a crawl. I'm ok with losing a lb a week and even that has been tough. Hopefully Aug. will be a good month as summer winds down. Best of luck to everyone.

    August Start Weight: 232.4
    August Goal Weight: 228.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 200.0

    August 1: 232.4
    August 8: 232.7 I feel a good week coming up.
    August 15:232.4 stuck in the mud, I'm not mad I'm down 41 in 18 months but man I'm stuck lately
    August 22:232.0 this last 32 is gonna be a B to lose I can see that reality, not quitting , getting fired up I refuse to lose
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Lbs lost YTD: -28.0
  • Daryl87M
    Daryl87M Posts: 26 Member
    August Start Weight:244.0
    August Goal Weight:241
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 215

    August 13:244.0
    August 22:243.8
    August 29:
    August 31:
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,575 Member
    August Start Weight: 192.1 lbs
    August Goal Weight: 184 lbs
    Long-Term Goal Weight: 140 lbs

    August 1: 192.1 lbs
    August 8: 190.2 lbs
    August 15: 190.4 lbs
    August 22: 192.4 lbs
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Weight change this month: +0.3 lbs

    No exceptions. No excuses. ๐Ÿฅ‘
    ๐Ÿ’ Discipline is self-love. ๐Ÿ’–
  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 264 Member
    Start Weight: 200.6 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155 lbs

    March: -9 lbs
    April: +5.4 lbs
    May: -1.6 lbs
    June: +3.6 lbs
    July: -6.8

    Aug Start Weight: 188.4 lbs
    Aug Goal Weight: 183.4 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155 lbs

    Aug 1: 188.4
    Aug 9: 187.2
    Aug 15: 186.0
    Aug 22: 187.2
    Aug 29:
    Aug 31:


    โ€œDeferred joys purchased by sacrifice are always sweetest and most enduring.โ€ ~Archbishop Fulton Sheen
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,575 Member
    Understandable. You can use your disappointment to fuel your efforts! What do you think is not working well? How can you improve on what you've been doing, in order to get better results? You've come a long way already, you can do this!
  • LowTechForever
    LowTechForever Posts: 287 Member
    August Start Weight: 146 lbs (10-day trend: 145.7 lbs)
    August Goal Weight: 144.5 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 lbs

    August 1: 146 lbs (10-day trend: 145.7 lbs)
    August 8: 146.5 (10-day: 146.1)
    August 15: 146 (10-day: 145.9)
    August 23: 144.8 (10-day: 145.6)
    August 29:
    August 31:
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    edited August 23
    Honestly, I think my goal for August was a bit overzealous as we had a huge family reunion week and a small getaway already. I adjusted my goal for the last week and a half of the month and can now focus more on myself this week โ€” starting now!

    August Start Weight: 148.2
    August Goal Weight: 146.5 - 147 (reimagined)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 136

    August 1: DNW
    August 3: 148.2
    August 8: 147.1
    August 15: 148
    August 22: 148
    August 29:
    August 31:
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    Going into the last week of August feeling encouraged with my new attitude ;).
    I will take care of my health needs first (exercise, nutrition, quiet time) so I have the energy to take care of those I care for.

    Make it a great day!

    August Start Weight: 148.2
    August Goal Weight: 146.5 - 147 (reimagined)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 136

    August 1: DNW
    August 3: 148.2
    August 8: 147.1
    August 15: 148
    August 22: 148
    August 24: 147.4
    August 29:
    August 31:
  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 264 Member
    Understandable. You can use your disappointment to fuel your efforts! What do you think is not working well? How can you improve on what you've been doing, in order to get better results? You've come a long way already, you can do this!

    I get what youโ€™re saying, and the very next day I weighed myself and I was at 186 (prior weekโ€™s weight, so I didnโ€™t gain after all). I really hate how stress affects my weight. Nothing is coming easy to me right now, and I mean NOTHING! I am struggling with everything everyday!

    Iโ€™m not stopping because, honestly, I canโ€™t afford to stop. I just donโ€™t feel good. Iโ€™m in pain all the time. I have to get this weight off just so I can move and not hurt.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,898 Member
    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018): 168.2
    January 1, 2024 Weight: 150.0 (10-day average 146.8)
    ]July 27 (Starting Weight for this challenge): 151.6 (10-day average 151.7)
    August goal: Get back to lower end of maintenance weight range
    Ultimate goal: Stay in maintenance range between (absolutely 140 - 153 and ideally 142-148)

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    July 27: 151.6 (10-day average 151.7)
    August 3: 154.6 (10-day average 153.2)
    August 10: 142.4 (10-day average 154.2)
    August 17: 155.4 (10-day average 153.8)
    August 24: 157.8 (10-day average 156.5)
    August 31:

    Total loss for August: I am now up almost five pounds for the month and almost a pound for the year. The last few months have really not gone as well as they should have. I am still going to....

    Stick to it!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,575 Member
    edited August 25
    I really hate how stress affects my weight. Nothing is coming easy to me right now, and I mean NOTHING! I am struggling with everything everyday!

    Iโ€™m not stopping because, honestly, I canโ€™t afford to stop. I just donโ€™t feel good. Iโ€™m in pain all the time. I have to get this weight off just so I can move and not hurt.
    @NonnieDoiron I'm glad your "gain" turned out to be not a gain, after all.

    I very much relate to how you're feeling, because I was in the same boat this spring. I fought so hard and got nowhere. In the end, I realized that I needed to take some time off -- and what I mean by that is not self-sabotage and giving up, but rather taking some time to rest and recover from all the stress I was under, and not just for a few days but for as long as it was going to take, until I actually felt better again.

    I focused on doing small things that made me feel good, like lighting a candle at night and listening to quiet music while stretching gently on the floor. Putting my feet up against the wall and massaging my calves. Sleeping in a little longer than usual. Looking for interesting/beautiful things along my walks that would lift my spirits, even if that meant going much slower.

    I tried to be patient with myself and asking myself, what would make me feel better RIGHT NOW? And I did more of those things for a while. I'm now back to exercising more, and my pain is pretty much non-existent at this point, even with increased exercise and unchanged weight. I feel MUCH better! I'm back to working on my weight loss, but at the time I realized that beating my head against the wall wasn't going to get me anywhere. Like you, I was not willing to stop (and I NOT stopping!) but I needed to take a breather, to be kind to myself for a while, more than anything I thought I should be doing in order to drop more weight.

    I hope you find your own way forward. What I wrote earlier was a genuine suggestion to look at what isn't working for you right now. Your answer may be very different from mine, but do take some time to really sit and think about what's going on. Sometimes we're so eager to keep going that we lose track of where we actually are (and so we end up going in circles). Something is holding you back, and when you figure out what that is (and how to deal with it) you will be off to the races again.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,784 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 64 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5โ€™ 5โ€ tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (Iโ€™ll know it when I get there!)

    Start Weight (from July 31st, 2024 ): 188.4

    Goal Weight: 184.4 (4 pound loss)

    End of Challenge Final Weight: xxxxx

    Weight lost/gained this month: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because itโ€™s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because itโ€™s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    08/01-188.6-(Trend Weight: 190.2)-

    08/04-189.2-(Trend Weight: 189.8)-

    08/11-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    08/18- DNW -(Trend Weight: DNW )- I was awoken by my DGS this morning and didnโ€™t get my weigh-in before my coffee. Itโ€™s a joy to have him here but so much more work than I remember. He starts first grade later this week. We practiced more coloring and reading yesterday. I know by weigh-ins throughout this week that I am still above my last weigh-in on this challenge. Iโ€™ve got my work cut out for me!

    08/25-190.0-(Trend Weight: 190.8)- Iโ€™m posting a day late this week. August has been a horrible out-of-control month for me. So much travel. However, the real problem is that home-life is slipping. My meals have been very good as I usually enjoy my low calorie and low carb choices. Itโ€™s those night-time snack monsters and that insatiable craving for chocolate and sugar in general. Iโ€™ve really got to focus so that September can be better.

    08/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250โ€™s; 240โ€™s; 230โ€™s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180โ€™s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,699 Member
    Thank you, @mtaratoot !
    I'm Chris - 74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    My husband and I are retired.
    I see my trainer for 60 mins three days a week and try to walk the other four days. The walking doesn't always work out.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 147.0
    UGW: 145.0
    August 01: 150.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading
    August 05: 151.8 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing cuz my trainer is out of town
    August 12: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    August 19: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    August 26: 149.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    August 31:
    Good luck everyone.
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 684 Member
    The last two months the weight loss has ground to a crawl. I'm ok with losing a lb a week and even that has been tough. Hopefully Aug. will be a good month as summer winds down. Best of luck to everyone.

    August Start Weight: 232.4
    August Goal Weight: 228.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 200.0

    August 1: 232.4
    August 8: 232.7 I feel a good week coming up.
    August 15:232.4 stuck in the mud, I'm not mad I'm down 41 in 18 months but man I'm stuck lately
    August 22:232.0 this last 32 is gonna be a B to lose I can see that reality, not quitting , getting fired up I refuse to lose
    August 28: 231.0. yesssssssssss whoo hoooo
    August 31:

    Lbs lost YTD: -29.0
  • ashleyhudson2100
    ashleyhudson2100 Posts: 42 Member
    August Start Weight: 201.6
    August Goal Weight: 196
    Ultimate Goal Weight:160

    August 1: 201.6
    August 7: 199.6
    August 14: 200.4 :/
    August 21: 196.6
    August 28: 196.8
    August 31:

    I was hoping to hit 196 in August but didn't quite make it. I won't be able to weigh in again on the 31st since I'll be out of town but there's always next month!

    August start weight: 201.6 lbs.
    August end weight: 196.8 lbs.
    August net loss: 4.8 lbs
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,898 Member
    On the off chance that @enlightenme3 is still traveling in a few days, I'll post the September challenge. I fully expect @enlightenme3 will come back and step back in. If not, I bet we'll still be able to keep this monthly challenge going.

    Remember - the best thing you can do, even when things don't SEEM to be going right, is to STICK TO IT.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,575 Member
    @mtaratoot Like everyone else here, I appreciate your willingness to step up and fill in for our inspiring leaderess @enlightenme3 :) Thank you!