Hi there. I'm a newbie. How do I join a challenge? Thank you.

soozeethorpe1 Posts: 1 Member
I am newbie here. Not sure what is required in this space. My question is how to join a challenge.
Thank you.
Also, what is a BBCode ?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Welcome to the Community, @soozeethorpe1! Don't be afraid to participate here: In my experience, most folks here are pretty nice.

    To join a challenge, read the thread here about a specific challenge: That should clarify how to join that challenge. A lot of them, you just dive in and post a reply on the thread. Others, you'd need to join an MFP group or something like that. The intro post of a challenge thread will generally explain how to participate.

    BBCode is a way of fancying-up how your posts or replies here in the Community look. If the basic post process gives you what you want, you can completely ignore BBCode. You can do some formatting with the little icons that show up just above where you type your post, too, without getting into learning more about BBCode.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    edited August 2
    Hi there,
    read the thread titles and just join something that you fancy. Many challenges have a timing, like a week or a month, thus check that one out. And then just start posting in that thread. You'll usually find me in the monthly running challenge, running much less and slower than most. But I'm there and I'm welcome. If you don't find a challenge that you fancy you could also start your own, and maybe people will join after a while.