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Integration with Apple Health

For iOS users, Apple Health is the place to store health data as it uses the Watch and the Phone to take in and categorize hundreds of data points with some good precision. While I like what MFP does, it would be beneficial if the data from here could be exported into Apple Health. I looked through the settings and I didn't see a way to do it.

I know that MFP and Apple are likely competitors, but I'm all about giving Health more sources of data, especially where it doesn't capture what MFP does.
1 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 822 MFP Staff
    Please note that you can currently link Apple Health to your MyFitnessPal account.

    Once MyFitnessPal and Apple Health are linked, MyFitnessPal and Apple Health will (with your permission) share these types of data:

    Food - MyFitnessPal will update Meal Summaries (calories and some nutrients, we currently do not track caffeine or send Vitamin A) to Apple Health. Food will not add from Health to MyFitnessPal.

    Please note: MyFitnessPal does not support the syncing of timestamps when foods are logged from MyFitnessPal to Apple Health.

    Exercises - Exercises that are logged in Apple Health will send to MyFitnessPal as long as the exercise was logged on the same day. If MyFitnessPal is opened/synced after midnight, the exercises from the previous day will not sync. Exercise does not transfer from MFP to Apple Health

    Weight - MyFitnessPal and Apple Health will update weight in both directions

    Sleep - Users who sync their Sleep information into Apple Health can view that information in the MyFitnessPal application