Just getting started

Hi, my name is Jenny and I'm an overeater. About 6 years I went on a mission to lose 120 pounds. Over the course of 18 months I had lost 70. At that time my son started using drugs (he was 16). Over the past 4 years my son became an addict and our lives went to hell, and I mean a living hell. During that time, he was slowly killing himself, my daughter (13 at the start) started cutting, and I gained weight. He went to rehab, she went to counseling and I continued to gain weight. He was clean 6 months, relapsed, clean 6 more months, relapsed again and life has been a downward spiral. He is still using and hasn't spoken to me in 7 weeks. I love my son but I need to learn to love myself as well. My daughter no longer cuts. She has graduated high school, started college and is moving into her first apartment soon. She has learned to move forward and I need to do the same. So I've decide to get up everyday and remember that TODAY is the first day of the rest of MY life. Today I weigh 304.6. my goal is 5 pounds at a time. Just for today.


  • amylou198613
    blimey. you have been through it! it's very hard to watch people you love do something so harmful to themselves be it self harm or addiction. I know from personal experience about the affects of this i lost my mother a few year back to alchol abuse and watched her slowly dye for years. I'm sure the people on here will help you get your target I only joined today myself and they seem really nice. If you want to friend me your more than welcome x each 5lbs lost is still a loss so good luck
  • kwebb629
    Bless you - you have been through a lot. Feel free to add me as a friend!