
Hello, my name is Dee! I'm very new to this app.My weight loss journey has been very challenging. My current weight is 276 I just decided to take one day at a time hoping to lose 2 or more pounds a week.
Any suggestions 🤔 would be greatly appreciated especially on how to track


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Hello, my name is Dee! I'm very new to this app.My weight loss journey has been very challenging. My current weight is 276 I just decided to take one day at a time hoping to lose 2 or more pounds a week.
    Any suggestions 🤔 would be greatly appreciated especially on how to track

    Hi, Dee. Welcome to MFP.

    If you’ll read the sticky notes- the ones at the top of each sub-board, you’ll find lots of good info on setting up, beginning, cleaning up your logging etc.

    I read the boards religiously during a large weight loss. It was like having a tribe to support me. Any question o asked, no matter how obviously (in hindsight!) dumb or naive, someone was always kind enough to both answer, and explain.

    You have a wonderful tool at your fingertips- if you’re willing to invest the effort to learn to use it.