I'm new and would like to connect

tezzza57 Posts: 1 Member
Hi I'm a mature female and am on a journey to health and well-being
I commenced this ride at 121 kgs 12 weeks ago and am down to111 kg in those 12 weeks
I joined fitnesspal again to help me continue to my goal to 90 kgs by Christmas
I'm starting to have questions that I can't find answers to so thought I'd try crowd support
I am limited in movement due to car accident
I also am waiting on double knee replacement - I shattered my pelvis among other broken bones so I have a vibration board that I use to giggle my body for circulation
I don't know hoe to log this in the exercise column - so need some advise
So if anyone has experience with this and can help me that would be perfect
Thanks in advance
BTW: I'm in Australia a town called Newcastle on the east coast south of the hold coast