Electrolyte Suggestions

springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
edited August 7 in Food and Nutrition
My doctor says I am badly dehydrated, confirmed by tests. Seems like this summer the faucet is on as soon as I put on my workout gear. I work out pretty extensively, I sweat profusely.

I drink what seems to be a lot, but it’s not even making a dent. I cannot seem to quench my thirst.

I’m also craving salt, even though I’m way over the RDA, but that makes sense with the heavy sweating.

I’ve started getting bad cramps, in wierd places- biceps, outer ankles, and I’m pretty sure that’s dehydration related.

I’ve added a couple dill pickles during the day, and half a 20oz bottle of Powerade zero. (Doc has suggested I drink several during the day, but dang, that’s expensive, and I just can’t get that much artificial flavor down).

Coconut water is very high calorie and very expensive.

Anyone got any suggestions?

A homemade brew that doesn’t taste like cheap flavored candy?


  • Andre_Camacho
    Andre_Camacho Posts: 1 Member
    go to your local pharmacy and buy hidration powder .... to mix with water
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,157 Member
    edited August 7
    Hard to say really, I'm kind of a sweater as well and I found that getting a balance of electrolytes helped me a lot. Diabetes and thyroid issues can also be associated. I use LMNT when I play hockey and have found that really helped with the cramps while playing some pretty intense skating for about 1 hour. Maybe ask your PCP for an electrolyte panel and maybe an anion gap test to throw some light on the why a person might have an imbalance. good luck though.
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 906 Member
    There are other types of electrolyte supplements that you might consider - I'd encourage you to talk with your doctor before trying specific ones. Not sure which electrolytes are the issue for you.

    Nuun Sport tablets add little sugar and relatively little flavor --- and slight effervescence to a drink and contain:
    13mg Calcium
    150mg Potassium
    25mg of Magnesium
    40mg Chloride
    **Has your doctor discussed with you WHY you are so dehydrated? Seems they'd want to find a reason for that if you are drinking like...tap water (as it has electrolytes in it and most bottled water does too - and so does your food).

    Liquid IV is a bit heavier on the sweetener/calories but I like it too.

    LMNT is another one that has packets and larger cans - I love the taste of them but I only use them when I've truly sweated buckets...as it has like 1,000mg of sodium in it.

    I'm sure others maybe know of others. I love Nuun Sport and always have it on hand - and usually do use one/day...but you can use more - especially if directed by a doctor I'd think.

    As far as you consuming more than the daily recommended value of sodium...unless your doctor has told you to steer clear of sodium for a medical reason it's really not that big of a deal. But honestly I'd ask more questions to your doctor bc getting muscle cramps randomly and weirdly like that is typically a sign of electrolyte imbalance (they are essential to the correct electrical functioning of our bodies - and also the blood/brain barrier).
  • ehju0901
    ehju0901 Posts: 393 Member
    I personally really like LMNT, but I also try to drink some regular water afterwards as it is a lot of sodium.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    What are your magnesium levels? I know I can't assume what happens to me is the same for everyone, but if my muscles cramp up that badly I'm deficient in Mg.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    The dehydration is due to activity level and profuse sweating. I lose 2-5 pounds water weight between getting out of bed and completing morning workouts.

    I have to be careful timing hydration because I usually train or do cardio weights and then go directly to the pool for laps and then an aquafit class. If I drink during workouts, it invariably hits me in the pool.

    I think our bladder shrinks as our age increases. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    So lots of water, then three or so hours of none then I spend the rest of the day trying to catch back up again.

    I have a Nuun tablet with every breakfast and have for the past two or three years.

    My biggest sweat loss is Saturdays, when I do double hot yoga classes. This is pretty typical:

    Doctor is telling me it’s straight up dehydration, lots and lots of Powerade and as much water as I can get down. She’s also got me on magnesium citrate because of muscle cramps.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    What are your magnesium levels? I know I can't assume what happens to me is the same for everyone, but if my muscles cramp up that badly I'm deficient in Mg.

    I did have a deficiency, so started taking magnesium citrate tablets at her suggestion about three years ago.

    I’ve just started adding an extra tablet. Her instructions are simple “add one more per day til you get diarrhea, then back off one. That’s how much you need.”

    Lately I’m cramping in crazy places- outer hip joint, above the outer ankle, and the scary one, bicep. A bicep cramp doesn’t hurt like the others, but binds so tight it feels like it’s going to tear.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    I can't vouch for it personally, but one of my rowing buddies swears by a concoction of water, apple cider vinegar, honey and salt. (ACV does have some electrolytes.) I'd maybe use a good brand of blackstrap molasses for sweetness/flavor instead of honey, because it has really meaningful electrolyte content. (Very high electrolytes for its calories, in fact.) I'm not sure how that would taste . . . but honestly, I don't think any adequate electrolyte beverage is going to taste all that great.

    As an aside, I sweat copiously, too. My hats, sweatbands, and some other stuff quickly develop salt encrustations. I eat copious amounts of salt, sometimes crave it. I've had bouts of cramps, and have sometimes drunk sauerkraut juice (from live-culture sauerkraut) or pickle juice as a counter-measure. I routinely eat lots of raw sauerkraut, kim chi, pickles, miso, and other salty foods, plus use added salt (or tamari) on my food. I don't log all the added salt, and even without doing that, I'm way over the MFP default often. Blood pressure is fine, so not too worried, despite already having osteoporosis.

    Maybe it's placebo effect, but when I've had weird cramping episodes in odd places, I've taken to using topical magnesium. Whether it's the magnesium, the rubbing in, or placebo effect, it does seem to help, so I keep doing it. I use a spray, but I believe there are also creams.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Possibly a random suggestion but how are you with milk? I was told years ago by a GP that milk can be more hydrating than some other fluids as it takes longer to digest, so you don’t pee out the fluids as much. I have absolutely no idea if that holds / will work, but if you can digest milk it can’t hurt to try.

    Amazon also do bulk (cheaper) rehydrating tablets to add to water which will be a lot more cost effective than an isotonic sports drinks. Personally I think they taste grim but a lot of my gym buddies swear by them.
  • shoshana1961
    shoshana1961 Posts: 6 Member
    I am now on a carnivore lifestyle with my husband, started transitioning a little over a week ago and we use LMNT (suggested by most carnivore influencers) although I have now bought some other electrolytes off Amazon, we have lost half a stone and our diabetes is now in range, we live in the UK and we are in our 60s with many health issues so cannot really exercise but hoping we can improve as time goes on.
    I have researched quite a bit and continue to learn more every day.
    It won’t be for everyone but so many people are experiencing better health and reversing many health issues, hope you manage to get it sorted 👍🏻
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    I have electrolyte effervescent tablets and powders at home. Taste is 'meh' but cheaper than Gatorade. It's good to check out the specific dosages/composition - between brands there can be big differences in which minerals they contain/their proportions. I'd give you specific brand names but I doubt it's useful, being in a different continent :smile:

    Personal observation: my stomach doesn't like these electrolyte drinks (powders/tablets) very much, particularly on an empty stomach - they make me queasy. I have no issues with gels (but those have fewer electrolytes and more sugar, I think, or certainly the ones I buy).
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions yall. So I’m seeing a lot of people like the LMNt.

    Powerade is OK, but the color if those things is just off putting. Won’t drink Gatorade, since hubs was in marketing with the “other” drink company and feels disloyal to have their products in the house. (Funny story: he got turned in by someone for having their product in his office. When he got called on the carpet and asked how he dared, he told them,”Um, because you pay me to study their packaging?”)

    I did not know about topical magnesium rub. Will check that out further. Thats intriguing.

    I gave up my half or three quarter gallon a day milk habit when starting MFP, but my googling has indicated milk is the best thing, too. Now that I think of it, I took milk completely out of my diet when I switched to oatmilk in my coffee earlier this year. (I like the savory taste of oatmilk in coffee.)

    Blackstrap molasses? In a drink?!!! I love molasses! And apple cider vinegar. That might be worth experimenting with. I have an unopened jar of molasses in the pantry I can play with. (Homemade gingersnaps made with Crisco having been off the menu for a while. I used to go through a giant can of crisco every few months. Now, the small ones go rancid before I use a quarter of one!)
  • ehju0901
    ehju0901 Posts: 393 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions yall. So I’m seeing a lot of people like the LMNt.

    Powerade is OK, but the color if those things is just off putting. Won’t drink Gatorade, since hubs was in marketing with the “other” drink company and feels disloyal to have their products in the house. (Funny story: he got turned in by someone for having their product in his office. When he got called on the carpet and asked how he dared, he told them,”Um, because you pay me to study their packaging?”)

    I did not know about topical magnesium rub. Will check that out further. Thats intriguing.

    I gave up my half or three quarter gallon a day milk habit when starting MFP, but my googling has indicated milk is the best thing, too. Now that I think of it, I took milk completely out of my diet when I switched to oatmilk in my coffee earlier this year. (I like the savory taste of oatmilk in coffee.)

    Blackstrap molasses? In a drink?!!! I love molasses! And apple cider vinegar. That might be worth experimenting with. I have an unopened jar of molasses in the pantry I can play with. (Homemade gingersnaps made with Crisco having been off the menu for a while. I used to go through a giant can of crisco every few months. Now, the small ones go rancid before I use a quarter of one!)

    If you do end up checking out LMNT, I recommend trying a sample pack first. I was surprised by the flavors I liked and didn't like. They also have some samples available on Amazon.

    Be prepared that they indeed taste salty! I mix mine with more water than they recommend to tone it down a bit.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I use Elete drops, either citrus or unflavored. They’re affordable and no nonsense. I also like some of the nuun flavors. Both appear to help me feel good on exercise days with lots of sweating.
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 503 Member
    A friend of mine swears by LMNT but only mixes it half-strength. It is VERY salty.