Is this enough exercise?

Zoe2901 Posts: 79 Member
I've started again to try and get fitter and lose weight.
I am walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes alternating between steady pace and fast walk.
I'm also doing 3 repetitions of 3 weight based exercises and using a weighted hula hoop for 5 to 10 minutes.
I think I'm hitting about 45 minutes activity per day every day.

Adding in some evening walks a few times a week but I just don't know if this is enough.
Has anyone successfully lost weight doing similar to this?

Thank you


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,939 Member
    Losing weight is about calories eaten, far more than calories burned. Control what you put in your mouth will account for 90% of weight loss.

    That said, you have a decent amount of planned activity, that's not a problem. For cardio, at least.

    I question what you mean by "3 repetitions of 3 weight based exercises". Standard definition of a repetition (rep) when weight lifting means moving the weight through its range of motion one time. If you pick up a weight, bend your elbow to curl the weight to your shoulder and return to the starting point, that's one rep. Moving the weight several times (say 10 times) before putting it down counts as one SET of ten REPS. Sets can have different rep counts (3, 5, 10, etc).

    Lifting a weight several times, rest, several more, rest, several more counts as 3 sets. If this is what you mean, that's a start, though likely not enough for significant strength improvement. But a lot depends on your goals: if you're doing injury recovery, it may be perfect.
  • Zoe2901
    Zoe2901 Posts: 79 Member
    Yes sorry it is 10 reps, 3 different strengths exercises, 3 sets of each.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    Zoe, I think it's great that you're doing that activity and the weight resistance exercises. Exercise is really a positive thing in my life and I hope you'll keep it up.

    I get bored on treadmills, but if it's something you enjoy then good for you. Outdoor walking is my thing.

    I agree that it is about food and controlling calories, and if you log your food consistently and stay mostly within your calorie goals then that is the key.
  • Zoe2901
    Zoe2901 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks both, I have added in 30 day shred today as have had good results previously with that. I prefer outdoor walking but the treadmill is quick before work and I just watch supernatural on the computer while walking otherwise I'd struggle with the boredom.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited August 8
    Any movement is better than no movement! I started out slowly building and I did just fine. You will, too. It’s the slow and steady grind of stick-to-it’ness that matters more than the how-hardness.

  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,774 Member
    edited August 8
    Which three strength exercises? How much weight with those 10 reps, and are you 1-2 reps from failure or could you actually manage 15-20 reps? Are you doing progressive overload?

    The zone 2 cardio you're doing is excellent for weight loss. I think it's enough. You could do more of course, but you may get diminishing returns. As others said, the real work is in the kitchen.

    Maybe for the treadmill it may be better to do a short sprint every so often to boost your aerobic capacity, instead of fast walking. Maybe several 30-60 second sprints during your 30 min session.

    I'm not sure that a weighted hula hoop does anything, but it's more movement I guess.