New here

pricks24 Posts: 1 Member
Hello I've recently downloaded this app and I'm having issues finding the right settings to help with my weight loss. 36 female have set calorie intake for 1400.per day struggling to loose weight but my lifestyle is very difficult to get physically active as well :( full time stressful job/fulltime mum


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited August 8
    Welcome to MFP @pricks24

    You don’t provide enough info. Have you gone into profile /goals and entered height,current weight etc? Entered a goal? How “fast” you wish to lose weight?

    If you just downloaded it recently, as said, don’t expect miracles in the first few weeks. It’s going to take you while to get into the routine, clean up your logging and weighing, sync a fitness tracker (highly recommend one!).

    You need to allow at least 4-6 weeks, and a monthly cycle or two because we all know we lose weight during our cycle, right? 🤣 Why would you expect any difference during weight loss?

    Many new users hurl themselves into cutting calories and doing new exercise. Soreness, diet changes etc can contribute easily to water weight gain.

    Something as simple as having a consistent time to weigh in can affect results. I’ve been in maintenance for four years. Here’s my getting out of bed/before a large breakfast weight, followed by a couple long walks and a couple of hot yoga classes. If I didn’t know to expect this, I’d be horrified (or joyful):

    Don’t expect fast loss. Even if you do get a few pounds off within a week, it’s normal
    To bounce back up or higher. Your body is readjusting to something totally new.

    If you started sticking your keys in the other pocket, it’d take your brain a while to remember to reach for the other side, right? Same with our bodies. We’ve trained them to be used to one thing and now we’re going to change it up all of a sudden? Work it harder with less food?

    And most important of all:
    Weigh accurately, log honestly.

    Don’t go for fast loss. Studies show that people who lose slower keep it off longer. Take it easy, nourish your body, learn new habits that will stick once you reach goal, because, eventually you will, and you don’t want to fall back into bad habits. Look at the Introduce Yourself threads. It’s one “back again!” post after the other from people who jackrabbited loss, and put it right back on again.