Trying to be "Fit Mom"

Hello all! I'm looking for some people to help keep me motivated on my journey to be a more fit mom for my 3 kids. I recently (2 months ago) had my third and final baby and I really want to lose weight and get down to my pre-(first)baby size. I've lost all the weight gained from baby 3 and want to keep the momentum going. I know how hard it is to stay motivated so I thought I would put it out there and look for fellow moms and anyone else who would like some encouragement. I just started back at work this week, which has been so hard, and instead of driving or taking the bus I have been riding my's about 6 miles roundtrip and I am anxiously awaiting the day my rear is not sore from the bike seat!! Also hoping the nice fall weather continues and no snow flies anytime soon!! Pretty sure I will not be riding my bike through the a snowsuit, though it would make a pretty funny sight for those driving beside me. So send me a request and I will do my best to motivate you and probably will ask for advice for things to keep the numbers on the scale moving in the right direction!


  • MrsCarpenter719
    MrsCarpenter719 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! Im a mom to a 2.5 yr old daughter! I gained a lot of weight with her and after i had her. I am now down to my size from before I had her but my goal is my HS weight I know that sounds silly but i was 145 in HS im shooting for 155 or 150 which is the appropriate size for my height anyways. i started off at 235 and a size 18 pants and xl shirt I am now (1 yr and 1 month later) a size 7-8 pants a m-s shirt and 177 lbs!! Its tough but its worth it!! Add me if you'd like! :) you can do this!
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    You can do this! I have 5 children and my youngest is 2.5. I think it's great that you can ride your bike to work! You are surely going to see some awesome results from that. I would start thinking of other things you can do for exercise before it gets to cold though. Find something else you love and prepare to fit it into your day. For me, there are days where I have to push myself a little extra because I don't feel like working out. I keep my goals in mind though and feel so much better once I've finished! You're welcome to add me as a friend. :)
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Feel free to add me - my daughter is almost 3 and I am fitter than I have been in my entire life. I weigh 30 pounds less than I did when I became pregnant with her, and have a LOT more muscle, too. I work out 5 times a week, every week :) It's tough to balance so much but you can do it!