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Make the Help articles (and Troubleshooting section specifically) more visible

There is a whole Help section on MFP with tons of articles on how to use MFP, but how many people know it exists?
It's hidden behind 'Contact Us' in the footer, not intuitive IMO.
I would propose a separate link called 'FAQ' linking directly to the overview of the Help articles.

And specifically in the MyFitnessPal Tech Support subforum I would suggest editing the gray message at the top to include a link to recent known issues/troubleshooting ( ), since that's often a reason why people visit/post in that part of the boards.
6 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,331 Member
    I’ve probably been here close to a decade and never knew that was there.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    I agree with your point about finding a way to make it even more visible.

    However, it is in the web version of Community as an explicit Help link under Quick Links at the right side of most pages, and likewise in the Quick Links the bottom of the pages in the phone/table version. At least it's there in the versions I'm using, not sure if you have the same ones.

    Also, it's a an obvious thing in the MFP application itself: Help link on the top of every page of the web version, link in the More menu in the phone/tablet app.

  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 822 MFP Staff
    Thanks so much for your insight on this! Our team is always looking for ways to streamline the app, so I went ahead and passed this along to them. Thank you again!