Needed: Gym Recommendations

Especially in Canton, GA, but any experience in general you might have. There is a Gold's Gym, Anytime Fitness, American Fitness all within a 5-10 minute drive (also, easily hit before my apartment on the way home from work), and there is the Y, which is in walking distance. Any experiences are welcome to hear from....

Added note, I'm leaving a LifeTime Fitness, and I love the place and am sad about leaving it, but it's too easy to talk myself out of going because it's an extra 30 minutes on the road at the end of my commute because I live between work and the gym. When you add in the gas costs to get there, staying home just looks a little too easy, and i often give in. I know that none of my choices will come close to offering what that gym did. Facilities wise, the Y is close, but I like a 24 hour gym.


  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    Make a list of what you are looking for. Classes, size, hours, pool, equipment, type of classes, etc... Figure out what are must haves. I have two memberships, but the cost is cheap about $35 a month for both. And I use both. (Lifetime where I am is too rich for my blood.) But what works for me does not work for everyone. My wife for instance hates Worlds because they do not offer a lot of classes, and classes and a pool to her are a must. (Classes, pool, rock-wall and things that I could careless about, but some people want them.)

    Like I needed Weights, machine and free, low cost, and open 24 hours.Because I do work late during certain times of the year. So I have a 24 hour gym Worlds, two minutes from work, that I pass on the way home. But I also found another gym, Fitness Evolution (Gold's sub) not 24 hours, but five minutes from home. This way during the week, I hit the one by work, on weekends the one by home. Sometimes it takes some time to search the internet, but there are choices out there.

    Do not be afraid to go in and ask for a tour. Ask if you can do a one week trial. If not, most gyms will sell you a one day pass for $5 or $10, see if you think it works for "you" before joining. (Listen to your gut. Too many people get sold something that does not work, and then they never use it.)