Tips and ideas

Share yours. Smaller plate and eat half of dining out meals help me with portion sizes. What have you got


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    Food scale and weighing everything.
  • VegjoyP
    VegjoyP Posts: 2,767 Member
    - Food scales, weigh everything
    - Food prepping, planning
    - eating whole foods, limit or omit processed foods unless nutrients rich and filling
    - Plant based with tons of vegetables
    - volume foods
    - Changing my concept of food. Honestly for me this was a total enlightenment. Food to me is nourishment, medicine and fuel to thrive. I lost total interest in foods that don't make me feel good.
    -Learning about nutrition and learning about disease prevention, longevity and over all health effects of things we put in our bodies
    Trying new things and finding things I love. My taste buds have completely changed. I love this.
    Not having food in the house that isn't healthy for me or help me
    Being a leader and not worrying about what other people think. Not being influenced
    - MyFitness pal. Tracking and being accountable. Very informative
    - loving fruits and veggies.
    - If I go out, looking at menu ahead of time.
    - Exercise. It helps my appetite.
    - - learning cool recipes that are simple alternatives
    - using certain cups and bowls, ect.
    - staying hydrated.
    - Making it all about lifestyle. Eating at maitenance to reach goal. This way I am consistant.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,157 Member
    A ketogenic diet did it for me, I lost 60 lbs and have kept it off and never counted calories as well and still don't. I eat until I'm full and don't feel like putting another bite in my mouth, basically it's the satiating effect of this diet that I like the most, but this works for and most people on this diet but may not be suitable for many people, so there is that. :)