Do I just gradually increase my consumption?

I'm a 19 year old female and I've struggled with my weight for the past 2-4 years. I was always told "eat less weight less" so I never really saw results over the years. Thankfully with others help on myfitnesspal just yesterday I was told about finding my BMR and TDEE and that set me to the right path. In the past I didn't log but ever since I started using myfitnesspal ( over 3 months ago) I've been eating way less than I'm supposed to so I'm guessing my metabolism is all whacked. I exercise 2-4 times a week and burn 500-600 calories each time.

So I found out that my BMR is 1530cal and my TDEE is 2104 cal and in order to lose 20% of my body fat I'd eat 1683 calories per day.

Since I've been eating way under for a long time I know it's best to gradually increase my consumption like 100 calories/day in a week until I reach 1683cal, correct? Or will I have to "reset" my metabolism by eating 2104cal and then decrease it until it's 1683cal?

I'm just a bit confused. And so once I reach 1683cal I continue consuming that much and of course checking in my new weight every 5-10 lbs lost to know how much to consume.

Will I be gaining weight in the beginning? If so, how long do I give my metabolism time to adapt and I start seeing results?

And also, would exercising about 2-4 times a week an hour session each be considered lightly active or moderately active? It varies each week with me.

Thank you! :smile:


  • tubzzy77
    tubzzy77 Posts: 104 Member
    You can increase it 100cal a day or just increase it to the 1683. Your body's metabolism is pretty good at adapting to different calorie intakes. If you up it to the 1683 you'll probably find you have more energy.

    Yeah you pretty much eat at that amount for a few weeks and see how your weight is doing. You are not going to see results overnight but after a few weeks you can start to see a trend and adjust your intake accordingly since everybody's body is different. Remember to recalculate your TDEE thing every 5lbs lost.

    You probably will gain weight. You just eat food and exercise and your metabolism takes care of itself. There's no secret metabolism adaption ritual you can perform.

    It depends on what you do when your exercising. Obviously walking is a light activity compared to Running which is considered moderate to heavy depending on how far and fast you go.

    Good luck.